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plotting - ErrorListPlot ignores some exact data points

Bug introduced in 10.0 and persisting through 11.0.1 or later

Possible bug? Or am I missing something / expecting too much?

Forgive the seemingly obscure data points but they're where I've noticed a problem.

data = {

{{(10 π)/8, 1}, ErrorBar[0.2]},
{{(11 π)/8, 1}, ErrorBar[0.2]},
{{(12 π)/8, 1}, ErrorBar[0.2]}

ErrorListPlot won't plot the error bar at x = 11 Pi/8 unless the datapoint is first converted to a numerical value:

ErrorListPlot[data, PlotRange -> {{3, 5}, All}]

enter image description here

ErrorListPlot[N@data, PlotRange -> {{3, 5}, All}]

enter image description here

What gives?
