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list manipulation - Subtracting from a specific column

I have a huge list with huge sublists of the form


I am looking for a way to manipulate these sublists based on the positions of the elements. Something like


but without having to write the whole pattern. Is there any way to specify such manipulation based on the position of the element? Something like

list/.#[[1]] & -> #[[1]] - 1 &

that would work?


You could use: MapAt:

MapAt[ # - 1 &, list, {All, 1}]

{{-1 + a, b, c, d}, {-1 + e, f, g, h}, {-1 + i, j, k, l}}

or Apply at the first level (shorthand @@@) (see also SlotSequence, shorthand ##n):

{#1 - 1, ##2}& @@@ list
