I want to generate a random sample from a multivariate Cauchy distribution, however I couldn't find a function for the multivariate Cauchy in Mathematica . I know how to define a distribution in 1D and tried to do this in a similar way MultivariateCauchy[x_, μ_, Σ_, k_] := Gamma[(1 + k)/2]/(Gamma[1/2] π^(k/2) Sqrt[Det[Σ]] (1 +(Transpose[x -μ].Inverse[Σ].(x -μ))^((1 + k)/2))) MCdist[μ_, Σ_, k_] := ProbabilityDistribution[MultivariateCauchy[x, μ, Σ, k], {x, -∞, ∞}] where μ is the location vector, Σ a positive definite covariance matrix and a free scalar parameter k. However, this does not work with RandomVariate . Is there a way to do this?