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export - Why my cloud application failed to display manipulate element correctly?

I have:

Fence[content_, length_] := Column[{
Grid[Partition[Characters[content], UpTo[length]]],
UpTo[length]], {Ceiling[Length[Characters[content]]/length],
length}, "@@"]]], # != "@@" &]}]
Mani[content_] :=

Manipulate[Fence[content, x], {x, 1, Length[Characters[content]], 1}]

Then test it in my desktop Mathematica and everything goes well:

enter image description here

So I deploy:

CloudDeploy[Mani["0123456789"], Permissions -> "Public"]

But it seems doesn't evaluate my function(Fence):

enter image description here


Documentation and Details ans Options section for CloudDeploy are saying:

CloudDeploy[expr,...] automatically deploys all definitions needed to evaluate expr, much like CloudSave.

and as we can see, it's not the case here. Or, it's a feature of Manipulate which boxes definitions are got by FrontEnd so maybe evaluation doesn't apply here.

At the end, you can force them to be remembered by using SaveDefinitions:

Mani[content_] :=  Manipulate[
Column@{Fence[content, x], DownValues@Fence},
{x, 1, Length[Characters[content]], 1},

SaveDefinitions -> True

enter image description here
