I would like to apply some complex valued function to some region in the plane, say, a circle of radius R centred at k.
How can I do this?
Under the interpretation of OP's question as
How do I apply the transformation w=f(z) to a region (e.g. a disk) in the complex plane?
I'd say ParametricPlot[]
(which now incorporates the functionality from the old Graphics`ComplexMap`
package) would be what you can use:
With[{f = # + 1/# &, center = 1/3 + 3 I/2, radius = 4/3},
Through[{Re, Im}[f[center + r Exp[I θ]]]], {r, 0, radius}, {θ, -π, π},
PlotPoints -> 45, PlotRange -> All]]
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