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list manipulation - Handy / flexible directory tree operations

Is there any shorter / more handy / more flexible way to get directory tree as a nested Rules/Associations list?

I tried to incorporate FileNames + GatherBy and GroupBy, but nothing was as short and handy as old fashioned:

ClearAll @ filesInDir;

filesInDir[dirname_, deep_] := If[
FileBaseName[ dirname] -> (
If[ deep == 1,
FileNameTake[#, -1],
filesInDir[#, deep - 1]
] & /@ FileNames["*", dirname]),
FileNameTake[dirname, -1]

filesInDir[$UserBaseDirectory, 2]

"Mathematica" -> {"ApplicationData" -> {"CCompilerDriver", "CloudObject", "CUDALink", "Parallel"}, "Applications" -> {...}, "Autoload" -> {...}, "FrontEnd" -> {"init.m"}, "Kernel" -> {"init.m"}, "Licensing" -> {}, "Paclets" -> {"Configuration", "Repository", "Temporary"}, "SystemFiles" -> {"CharacterEncodings", "FrontEnd", "Kernel", "SpellingDictionaries"}}

And now, from this nested rules I want to go back to the output of:

FileNameSplit /@ FileNames["*", $UserBaseDirectory, 2]


I've chosen nested lists/associations to reduce ByteCount and make querying more user friendly. But if you can convince me I should keep a full paths list it would be a valid answer too.
