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plotting - How can I highlight the points lying between two lines in a ListPlot?

I have a list of numbers like the following:

list = Table[RandomInteger[1000], {i, 1000}];

And I plot them so:


enter image description here

I have drawn the black lines on the plot myself. I'd like to have min and max variables as a function of y, which once set, produce these lines in the chart and highlight the data between the lines. How can I do this?


I shall suppose that you want something like this:

Mathematica graphics

The first step is to convert your data into the (x, y) specified form:

list = RandomReal[2, 1000];
list = MapIndexed[{#2[[1]], #} &, list];

Then define bound functions:

low  = 0.5 + Sin[#/150`]/4 &;
high = 1.2 + Sin[#/100`]/3 &;

Gather points according to these functions:

list2 = Sort @ GatherBy[list, low@# < #2 < high@# & @@ # &];

Plot the points and functions and display together with Show:

ListPlot[list2, PlotStyle -> {Red, Black}],
Plot[{low@x, high@x}, {x, 0, 1000}]
