Assming that I have a function myFunc
which has some options.
Options[myFunc]={ firstOpt->1, secondOpt->"A", thirdOpt->True };
where, I set the values of firstOpt
to 1 or 2,and set the value secondOpt
to "A" or "B".
method= OptionValue/@{firstOpt,secondOpt,thirdOpt};
Obviously, this is a fussy and awkward solution.So I would like to know how to deal with condition when myFunc
has many options.
Or is it possible to know Mathematica how to deal with many options? For instance,
An example(Implementation of Runge-Kutta Algorithm)
(*MiddlePoint formula*)
middlePointOrderTwo[{xn_, yn_}, step_, func_] :=
Module[{K1, K2},
K1 = func[xn, yn];
K2 = func[xn + 1/2 step, yn + 1/2 step K1];
{xn + step, yn + step K2}
(*Henu formula of order 2*)
henuOrderTwo[{xn_, yn_}, step_, func_] :=
Module[{K1, K2},
K1 = func[xn, yn];
K2 = func[xn + 2/3 step, yn + 2/3 step K1];
{xn + step, yn + 1/4 step (K1 + 3 K2)}
(*Henu formula of order 2*)
henuOrderThree[{xn_, yn_}, step_, func_] :=
Module[{K1, K2, K3},
K1 = func[xn, yn];
K2 = func[xn + 1/3 step, yn + 1/3 step K1];
K3 = func[xn + 2/3 step, yn + 2/3 step K2];
{xn + step, yn + 1/4 step (K1 + 3 K3)}
(*Kutta formula of order 3*)
kuttaOrderThree[{xn_, yn_}, step_, func_] :=
Module[{K1, K2, K3},
K1 = func[xn, yn];
K2 = func[xn + 1/2 step, yn + 1/2 step K1];
K3 = func[xn + step, yn - step K1 + 2 step K2];
{xn + step, yn + 1/6 step (K1 + 4 K2 + K3)}
(*Runge-Kutta formula of order 4*)
rungeKuttaOrderFour[{xn_, yn_}, step_, func_] :=
Module[{K1, K2, K3, K4},
K1 = func[xn, yn];
K2 = func[xn + 1/2 step, yn + 1/2 step K1];
K3 = func[xn + 1/2 step, yn + 1/2 step K2];
K4 = func[xn + step, yn + step K3];
{xn + step, yn + 1/6 step (K1 + 2 K2 + 2 K3 + K4)}
rungeKuttaFormula[{a_, b_}, ya_, step_, func_, OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{OrderMethod, num},
OrderMethod = OptionValue[SolvingOrderMethod];
num = IntegerPart[(b - a)/step];
{2, "Henu"},
henuOrderTwo[#, step, func] &, {a, ya}, num],
{2, "MiddlePoint"},
middlePointOrderTwo[#, step, func] &, {a, ya}, num],
{3, "Henu"},
henuOrderThree[#, step, func] &, {a, ya}, num],
{3, "Kutta"},
kuttaOrderThree[#, step, func] &, {a, ya}, num],
{4, "RungeKutta"},
rungeKuttaOrderFour[#, step, func] &, {a, ya}, num]]
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