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function construction - How to make the $ModuleNumber dynamic in a string

This code can run normally

st = ToString[Unevaluated[j = i^2; a + b; Thread[{{1}, {2, 3}}]], 
i = 0; loopBody =

RegularExpression["^|(?<=;)"] :>
TemplateApply["Print[<*i*>];", i++]]

And this is my expected answer

"Print[1];j = i^2;Print[2]; a + b;Print[3]; Thread[{{1}, {2, 3}}]"

So I want to pack it into a custom function like

SetAttributes[AddPrint, HoldFirst]
AddPrint[loopBody_] :=

Module[{st = ToString[Unevaluated[loopBody], InputForm], i = 0},
RegularExpression["^|(?<=;)"] :>
TemplateApply["Print[<*i*>];", i++]]]

Then I get

AddPrint[j = i^2; a + b; Thread[{{1}, {2, 3}}]]

"Print[i];j = i^2;Print[i]; a + b;Print[i]; Thread[{{1}, {2, 3}}]"

I think the culprit is that $ModuleNumber is changing all the same.Of course we can make it like

SetAttributes[AddPrint, HoldFirst]
AddPrint[loopBody_] :=
Module[{st = ToString[Unevaluated[loopBody], InputForm]}, i = 0;
RegularExpression["^|(?<=;)"] :>
TemplateApply["Print[<*i*>];", i++]]]

But I don't like this solution.I will make i be global.So I want to verify any smart way can do this?


You can replace your TemplateApply with either

TemplateApply["Print[``];", i++]


StringJoin["Print[", ToString[i++], "];"]

There is also a quick fix that is not recommended, which is to replace Module by Block.
