I have some plots in an old Mathematica notebook that I'd like to re-create in Matplotlib (for stylistic consistency with the rest of the plots in my thesis).
Unfortunately, I've lost the data that I used to generate these plots. Since the plots are still intact, is it possible to extract the coordinates of the data points from them? I know that I can use "Get Coordinates" from the context menu on the plot, but this is tedious and imprecise!
They were generated in version 8 or 9, I think. This is the code that I used to generate the plots:
MoneyPlot[dataSets_, Vs_, fs_] :=
Show @@ {ListLogLogPlot[dataSets[[1, 1]],
PlotStyle -> dataSets[[1, 2]],
Joined -> True
(* Some more options *)
Table[ListLogLogPlot[data[[1]], PlotStyle -> data[[2]],
Joined -> True], {data, dataSets[[2 ;;]]}];
As explained by anderstood
, if you don't have the plots named, you need to copy and paste the figure into an input cell and type, say, fig =
in front of the figure, then evaluate.
Suppose you generated a MoneyPlot
named fig
. Then, you can extract the data making up those curves using
data = Cases[fig // Normal, Line[a_] :> a, Infinity]
In order to test and see if it has extracted correctly, do
ListPlot[#] & /@ data
and you should see a List
of Plot
s, one for each of the curves above.
For the purposes of illustration,
fig = Plot[{x^2, x^3, x^4}, {x, 0, 1}, Frame -> True, GridLines -> Automatic]
data = Cases[fig // Normal, Line[a_] :> a, Infinity];
ListPlot[#] & /@ %
results in
Since you have a LogLogPlot
, if you want the actual values, rather than the values of the exponents, you just need to wrap data
with Exp
originalValues = Exp[data];
One more thing: this method requires that the points in your figure be Joined
, as you've shown. If that is not the case, then you have to extract the Point
s instead. For instance,
fig = ListLogLogPlot[Table[{x, #}, {x, 0.01, 1, 0.01}] & /@ {x, x^2, x^3}, Frame -> True, GridLines -> Automatic]
data = Cases[fig // Normal, Point[a_] :> a, Infinity];
ListPlot[#] & /@ data
results in
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