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graphics3d - Help recreating a gif

For my math class I am trying to recreate a mathematical GIF. Here is the GIF I wish to make:

the GIF At this point I think I have a 3D function that would work to lay the hexagons on to.

Manipulate[Show[ParametricPlot3D[{t Cos[s], Cos[a - t] Sinc[t], t Sin[s]}, {t, 0, 5}, {s, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotRange -> All], PlotRange -> All], {a, 0 , 2 Pi}]

While this might not be the perfect function but I think it will work. The next step is getting the hexagons to lay on the surface as it moves.

What would be the best way to have the hexagon on the surface? A quick clarification. I want to know how to get the hexagons on to the surface I will turn it in to a real GIF once I get that to work.
