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calculus and analysis - Symbolic integration in real domain only ( assumptions and ComplexExpand don't work)

Integrate[m^2/((x - m^2)^2 + y^2), m]

mathematica gives me a complex-valued reuslt, but maple 17 gives me what I want.

maple result

I tried using assumptions, but it doesn't work.

In MMA, is there a general way to do integrations in real domains, just like maple.

Can this wrap bulit-in command proposed by Todd Gayley (see: ) do the trick?

Message[args___] := Block[{$inMsg = True, result},
"some code here";
result = Message[args];
"some code here";
result] /; ! TrueQ[$inMsg]

Perhaps the reason for the complex-valude result is the invovled power calculation during the integration, so maybe what I really need is a general way to do symbolic power calculation in real domains?

ComplexExpand doesn't work as in the post integration on real domain only!.

thanks :)
