I want to export a PDF figure with the following codes, but the size of the PDF is too big, about 1.5M. I hope the size can be around 100k. I have tried for a long time but can not find a good solution. Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated!
\[Rho]2plus = {{0.2011205485336045077` +
1.`*^-6 I, -0.017422322154311026` -
0.508770348467936524` I, -0.01627481119236278` -
0.009599125271231317` I,
0.00012377921551508936` -
0.0001037303194895626` I}, {-0.317422322154311026` +
0.008770348467936524` I, 0.5253584399150775` + 1.`*^-6 I,
0.1810835129135062` - 0.050379441418388037` I,
0.012122030783398718` -
0.00011053335415397864` I}, {-0.01627481119236278` +
0.009599125271231317` I,
0.4810835129135062` + 0.050379441418388037` I,
0.07251617971431137` + 1.`*^-6 I,
0.011027619410833644` +
0.00549701145732366` I}, {0.20012377921551508936` +
0.0001037303194895626` I,
0.012122030783398718` + 0.00011053335415397864` I,
0.011027619410833644` - 0.00549701145732366` I,
0.001004831837006529` + 1.`*^-6 I}};
\[Rho]2minus = {{0.005277185010322719` + 1.`*^-6 I,
0.0010040157957586214` +
0.04371079428674348` I, -0.09005650743684472643` -
0.046221573555130006` I, -0.003643884304307673` -
0.001085378855037156` I}, {0.2010040157957586214` -
0.24371079428674348` I,
0.0131515781501287` + 1.`*^-6 I, -0.1857896769310657` +
0.01114973388880884` I,
0.008915832323651186` +
0.03176372686431984` I}, {0.5005650743684472643` +
0.046221573555130006` I, -0.0857896769310657` -
0.01114973388880884` I,
0.07651833701845997` + 1.`*^-6 I, -0.0025963451307736015` -
0.034899274546212444` I}, {-0.003643884304307673` +
0.001085378855037156` I,
0.208915832323651186` -
0.23176372686431984` I, -0.0025963451307736015` +
0.034899274546212444` I, 0.005052899821088675` + 1.`*^-6 I}};
DiscretePlot3D[#@\[Rho]2plus[[i, j]], {i, 1, 4}, {j, 1, 4},
BoxRatios -> {1., 1., .8}, ExtentSize -> 0.5,
PlotRange -> {{.5, 4.5}, {.5, 4.5}, {-.5, .526}},
ColorFunction -> (Blend[{Hue[2/3], Hue[0]}, #] &),
ExtentElementFunction -> "ProfileCube",
Ticks -> {{{1, "A"}, {2, "B"}, {3, "C"}, {4, "D"}}, {{1,
"E"}, {2, "F"}, {3, "G"}, {4, "H"}}, Automatic},
AxesEdge -> {{-1, -1}, {1, -1}, {1, 1}},
FillingStyle -> Opacity[1],
LabelStyle ->
Directive[FontSize -> 12, FontFamily -> "Helvetica"],
Boxed -> True] & /@ {Re, Im} , ImageSize -> 500 ];
figminus =GraphicsRow[DiscretePlot3D[#@\[Rho]2minus[[i, j]], {i, 1, 4}, {j, 1, 4},
BoxRatios -> {1., 1., .8}, ExtentSize -> 0.5,
PlotRange -> {{.5, 4.5}, {.5, 4.5}, {-.5, .523}},
ColorFunction -> (Blend[{Hue[2/3], Hue[0]}, #] &),
ExtentElementFunction -> "ProfileCube",
Ticks -> {{{1, "A"}, {2, "B"}, {3, "C"}, {4, "D"}}, {{1,
"E"}, {2, "F"}, {3, "G"}, {4, "H"}}, Automatic},
AxesEdge -> {{-1, -1}, {1, -1}, {1, 1}},
FillingStyle -> Opacity[1],
LabelStyle ->
Directive[FontSize -> 12, FontFamily -> "Helvetica"],
Boxed -> True] & /@ {Re, Im} , ImageSize -> 500 ];
gg = Grid[{{figminus}, {figplus}}, Spacings -> {0, 0}]
Export["Fig8.pdf", gg, ImageResolution -> 600]
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