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memoization - How to memoize a function with Options?

Consider the following modified fibonacci function:

tempHist = $History
$History = 0

Options[fibon] = {k -> 1}
fibon[0] = 0;
fibon[1] = 1;
fibon[n_, OptionsPattern[]]:= fibon[n-1] + OptionValue[k] * fibon[n-2]

fibon[30] // Timing (* {4.111894, 832040} *)
fibon[30, k -> 2] // Timing (* {4.161676, 1149851} *)

The modification involves a coefficent that multiplies the second term of the recursive definition. Can the idiom f[x_]:=f[x]= ... be used to implement memoization in this case?

I tried with no luck the following naive approaches for c-aching fibon

Options[cfibon] = {k -> 1}
cfibon[0] = 0;
cfibon[1] = 1;
cfibon[n_, OptionsPattern[]]:= cfibon[n, OptionsPattern[]] = cfibon[n-1] + OptionValue[k] * cfibon[n-2]

cfibon[30] // Timing (* {2.1999999997746045*^-5, 832040} *)
cfibon[30, k -> 2] // Timing (* {2.899999999961267*^-5, 832040} *)

Something is being memoized, but this is not the wanted behavior (note that the two calls return the same value 832040, the second call is meant return 1149851). Here is another try:

Options[cfibon] = {k -> 1}
cfibon[0] = 0;
cfibon[1] = 1;
cfibon[n_, OptionsPattern[]]:= cfibon[n, k -> OptionValue[k]] = cfibon[n-1] + OptionValue[k] * cfibon[n-2]

cfibon[30] // Timing
(* {10.664260999999998, 832040} *)

cfibon[30, k -> 2] // Timing
(* {10.677505, 1149851} *)

Now, the results are as expected, by the computation is slower than the non-cached version! So...

How to memoize a function with Options?


The case at hand

Here is one possibility:

Options[fibon] = {k -> 1}

fibon[0, OptionsPattern[]] = 0;
fibon[1, OptionsPattern[]] = 1;

fibon[n_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] /; ! OrderedQ[{opts}] :=
fibon[n, Sequence @@ Sort[{opts}]];
fibon[n_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
fibon[n, opts] =
fibon[n - 1, opts] + OptionValue[k]*fibon[n - 2, opts]

So, for example:


(* 832040 *)


(* 357913941 *)

Note that I added a rule which sorts the options, and I explicitly assumed the two sets of options the same when they are only different by the order of options. This assumption could be improved by accounting for some options not present explicitly but being the same due to defaults.

General meta-programming solution

The above version has the following limitations:

  • Default option values not accounted for

  • Has to explicitly pass the options to inner calls to self

  • It is not general enough (which is ok for a specific problem, but not for a general approach). Although one can see that some of the code does not really depend on the specifics of the problem, the above form does not allow one to easily factor that out.

Here I will address these limitations of the previous version, and show how we can achieve a fairly complete automation of this task for a wide class of problems by using meta-programming and code generation.

Here is a code-generating function that would generate the full memoizing code from simpler version not involving options:

SetAttributes[optionMemo, HoldAll];

optionMemo[sym_Symbol, {defs___}, defOptions : {___?OptionQ}] :=
Options[sym] = defOptions;
sym[args : Except[_?OptionQ] ..., opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
newopts =
Sort @ DeleteDuplicates[
First@#1 == First@#2 &]

sym[args, Sequence @@ newopts] /; newopts =!= {opts}
sym[args : Except[_?OptionQ] ..., opts : OptionsPattern[]]/;!OrderedQ[{opts}] :=
sym[args, Sequence @@ Sort[{opts}]];

sym[args : Except[_?OptionQ] ..., opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Block[{sym, options = Options[sym]},
Options[sym] = options;


It takes the name of the symbol, the list of code statements which produce the relevant definitions, and the list of options for this symbol. It works by generating the boilerplate code, but also it relies on a rather interesting technique where a function Block-s itself and creates some definitions locally inside Block. What we buy by this construct here:

  • We don't have to pass options to inner recursive calls

  • We can still globally call OptionVaulue as before, with a single argument, and this will work.

  • The memoization only happens during the computation, to speed it up, but all the memoized values are cleared by Block at the end, automatically;

So, here is how we use it: first generate the boilerplate code

fibon[0] = 0,
fibon[1] = 1,
fibon[m_] := fibon[m] = fibon[m - 1] + OptionValue[k]*fibon[m - 2]
{k -> 1, i -> 2}

and now use it as before:


(* 832040 *)


(* 357913941 *)

The optionMemo construct should be general enough to handle many similar problems.


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