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plotting - How can I create a rectangular graphic with curved edges?

I want to make some button shaped graphics that would essentially be a rectangular shape with curved edges. In the example below I have used Polygon rather than Rectangle so as to take advantage of VertexColors and have a gradient fill. The code below illustrates the sort of thing I want in so far as the Frame with RoundingRadius shows where I want the boundaries of the Graphic to be cut off (for example).


Polygon[{{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}},
VertexColors -> {Red, Red, Blue, Blue}]
AspectRatio -> 0.2,
ImagePadding -> 0,
ImageMargins -> 0,
ImageSize -> 200,
PlotRangePadding -> 0],
ContentPadding -> True,
FrameMargins -> 0,

ImageMargins -> 0,
RoundingRadius -> 20]

I'm thinking there is probably a very straight forward way of accomplishing this. Is there some way to exclude parts of the Graphic that fall outside the Frame from displaying? Any alternative methods would be welcome.


I had been expecting that this was going to be possible with existing options rather than having to write functions. @Mr.Wizard provided a concise solution from existing built in functionality but I ultimately didn't want a raster solution. @Heike used RegionPlot like the others, but in a way in which the user, i.e. me, could implement it by simply changing a rounding radius parameter, so that makes it a more straight forward solution IMO.


This answer uses RegionPlot to plot the rounded rectangle. In roundedRect, {{xmin, xmax}, {ymin, ymax}} is the range of the rectangle and rad the rounding radius. roundedRect accepts any option of RegionPlot, in particular ColorFunction which you can use to shade the rectangle.

Options[roundedRect] = Options[RegionPlot];
SetOptions[roundedRect, {Frame -> False, Axes -> False, BoundaryStyle -> None}];

roundedRect[range : {{xmin_, xmax_}, {ymin_, ymax_}}, rad_,
opt : OptionsPattern[roundedRect]] := Module[{p, norm},
p = 1/Log2[Sqrt[2] + 2];
norm[pt_, pt0_] := Total[Abs[pt - pt0]^p]^(1/p) > rad;
RegionPlot[And @@ (norm[{x, y}, #] & /@ Tuples[range]),
{x, xmin, xmax}, {y, ymin, ymax}, opt,
AspectRatio -> Abs[ymax - ymin]/Abs[xmax - xmin],


roundedRect[{{0, 5}, {0, 1}}, .4, ColorFunction -> (Blend[{Red, Blue}, #2] &)]

Mathematica graphics


@Heike I hope you do not mind me making a change to your answer. I think this is more Mathematica like by having the rounding radius as an option.


Options[roundedRect] = Flatten[{RoundingRadius -> 0.5, Options[RegionPlot]}];
SetOptions[roundedRect, {Frame -> False, Axes -> False, BoundaryStyle -> None}];

roundedRect[range : {{xmin_, xmax_}, {ymin_, ymax_}},
opt : OptionsPattern[roundedRect]] := Module[{p, norm, opts, rad},

rad = OptionValue[RoundingRadius];
opts = FilterRules[{opt}, Options[RegionPlot]];

p = 1/Log2[Sqrt[2] + 2];
norm[pt_, pt0_] := Total[Abs[pt - pt0]^p]^(1/p) > rad;

And @@ (norm[{x, y}, #] & /@ Tuples[range]), {x, xmin, xmax}, {y,
ymin, ymax}, Evaluate@opts,
AspectRatio -> Abs[ymax - ymin]/Abs[xmax - xmin]]]


roundedRect[{{0, 5}, {0, 1}}, Frame -> False, RoundingRadius -> 0.4, 
ColorFunction -> (Blend[{Red, Blue}, #2] &)]
