Sometimes it is more convenient to find a series expansion (e.g., Taylor, Laurent, Puiseux, ...) in powers of (a−z) than in powers of (z−a). For instance, the command
Series[(1 + Sqrt[1 - 4*z^2])/(4*z) - z, {z, 1/2, 3}]
gives i√z−12−2(z−12)−32i(z−12)3/2+238(z−12)5/2−4(z−12)3+O(z−12)7/2.
The series expansion in powers of (12−z) is nicer in this case, as the coefficient at the leading term becomes real. So I would like to ask what is the preferable way to obtain an expansion in terms of (a−z) instead of (z−a). Thank you in advance.
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