I have a recursive function defined like this:
MyFnc[X_] := Block[{n, val, Xm, Xmn},
n = Length[X]; If[n == 1, Return[{2, 1}]];
Xm[mm_] := X[[1 ;; mm]];
Xmn[mm_, nn_] := X[[mm + 1 ;; nn]];
val = Table[Block[{XmT = Total[Xm[m]], XmnT = Total[Xmn[m, n]]},
(XmT.XmnT)/(XmT.XmT)*{m^2, 2 m}*(MyFnc[Xm[m]][[1]])*(MyFnc[Xmn[m,n]][[2]])],
{m, 1, n - 1}] // Total;
Return[val/{n^2, n}]];
Function takes a list of vectors of arbitrary length n, e.g. for n=5 and 3D vectors;
arg := Table[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, 3], {5}]
and gives a list of two numbers, i.e. MyFnc[arg]
gives for example {0.24443, 1.10547}
Since this function is to be used as an integrand in numerical integration, it would need to be called many times. So evaluation time is important,
(Table[MyFnc[arg], {10^4}] // AbsoluteTiming)[[1]]
(* ==> 18.5959 *)
Is there a way to significantly speed up this function? Can such recursive functions be compiled efficiently?
You can get it through Compile
as below. Note that I have not tested for correctness.
myFncC = Compile[{{X, _Real, 2}}, Block[
{n, val},
n = Length[X];
If[n == 1, Return[{2., 1.}]];
val = Total[
{XmT = Total[X[[1 ;; m]]], XmnT = Total[X[[m + 1 ;; n]]],
mFm = myFncC[X[[1 ;; m]]], mFmn = myFncC[X[[m + 1 ;; n]]]},
(XmT.XmnT)/(XmT.XmT)*{m^2, 2 m}*mFm[[1]]*mFmn[[2]]], {m, 1,
n - 1}]];
val/{n^2, n}]];
arg := Table[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, 3], {5}]
(Table[myFncC[arg], {10^4}] // AbsoluteTiming)[[1]]
(* Out[67]= 1.13199 *)
Adding "CompilationTarget" -> "C"
brings it down a hair more, to .75 seconds.
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