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wolfram cloud - Upload a file using a WolframCloud WebForm

I tried to create a Webform in WolframCloud that asks/browses for a file and then uploads it to a specific folder. The following are the directions I investigated but it does not work:

CloudDeploy @
"fname" -> "String",
Module[{st1, st2},

st1 = "E:\\math9\\Personal Lessons\\" <> #fname <> ".xls";
st2 = #fname <> ".xls";
{st1, st2, CopyFile[st1, CloudObject[st2]]}
] &

I also tried directions like this:

CloudDeploy @
"fname" -> Interpreter[Restricted["UploadedFile", "XLS"]],


but it looks this does not work because it always produces the following error: enter image description here

The function isn't even evaluated. Can anybody help on how to do this or state that it is not yet possible in the WolframCloud?

Kind regards
