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evaluation - Generate assignment code to symbols from string

I want the function to take in string, then assign a value to its corresponding symbol. An implementation using ToExpression is

mySet[str_String, val_] := 
ToExpression["Set[" <> str <> "," <> ToString[val] <> "]"]

How can I do it without ToExpression? I wonder how this can be done with purely evaluation control.

I have read the following posts: Generating assignments and transforming code inside held forms when generating code

How do I evaluate only one step of an expression?

I think the main problem is to evaluate Symbol["x"] partially to x(it can have OwnValues), which can't be achieved with first post's code; and second post's code is indeed returning a HoldForm expression, leaving me generally the same problem.


Since you referenced How do I evaluate only one step of an expression? I might use:

(* step loaded from referenced Q&A *)

mySet[str_String, val_] := step @ Symbol[str] /. _[s_Symbol] :> (s = val)


x = 5;

mySet["x", 7];



(This also makes use of Injecting a sequence of expressions into a held expression.)

For clarity the above is trying to answer in what I think is the spirit of your question.
Pragmatically I usually(1)(2)(3) use MakeExpression, see e.g. my answer to the closely related:
