I recently needed to deal with a large data set of 600,000 points in three dimensions. My task was to find a convex hull for this data. I have Mathematica 10, so I could use the function ConvexHullMesh
; I obtained this:
I was wondering if there is some way to find a smooth convex hull (maybe an ellipsoid) for my data.
Minimum Volume Ellipsoid
Translated from here, this uses the Khachiyan algorithm, and should work for any dimension.
MinVolEllipse[P_, tolerance_] :=
Module[{d, n, Q, count, err, u, X, M, maximum, j, stepSize, newu, U, A, c},
{n, d} = Dimensions[P];
Q = Append[1] /@ P;
count = 1;
err = 1;
u = ConstantArray[1./n, n];
While[err > tolerance,
X = Q\[Transpose].DiagonalMatrix[u].Q;
M = Diagonal[Q.Inverse[X].Q\[Transpose]];
maximum = Max[M];
j = Position[M, maximum][[1, 1]];
stepSize = (maximum - d - 1)/((d + 1) (maximum - 1));
newu = (1 - stepSize) u;
newu[[j]] += stepSize;
count += 1;
err = Norm[newu - u];
u = newu;
U = DiagonalMatrix[u];
A = (1/d) Inverse[P\[Transpose].U.P - Outer[Times, u.P, u.P]];
c = u.P;
{c, A}
pts = RandomVariate[
MultinormalDistribution[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {2}],
With[{m = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {2, 2}]}, m.m\[Transpose]]], 500];
P = MeshCoordinates[ConvexHullMesh[pts]];
tolerance = 0.0001;
{c, A} = MinVolEllipse[P, tolerance];
X = {x, y};
{Red, Point[P]}
ContourPlot[(X - c).A.(X - c) == 1, {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4}]
In 3D:
pts = RandomVariate[
MultinormalDistribution[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {3}],
With[{m = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {3, 3}]}, m.m\[Transpose]]], 100];
P = MeshCoordinates[ConvexHullMesh[pts]];
tolerance = 0.0001;
{c, A} = MinVolEllipse[P, tolerance];
X = {x, y, z};
ConvexHullMesh[pts, MeshCellStyle -> {{2, All} -> Opacity[0.5, Green]}],
{Red, Point[P]}
ContourPlot3D[(X - c).A.(X - c) == 1, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -3, 3}, {z, -3, 3},
ContourStyle -> Directive[Red, Opacity[0.2]]
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