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import - SocialMediaData["Twitter"] - strange output

I am getting error messages when I use SocialMediaData["Twitter"]:

In[10]:= SocialMediaData["Twitter", "Followers"] // Short

During evaluation of In[10]:= ImportString::string: First argument {\[Ellipsis] 776772%2C2374341553%2C1909504597%2C3351053884%2C3277771244%2C9337792%2C19703707%2C14607461%2C2659808059%2C18771160&oauth_signature=hO7dYANpNmD0BHXRCAUr7NG9SXQ%3D,<<1>>,<<1>>} is not a string. >>

During evaluation of In[10]:= ReplaceAll::reps: {<<1>>} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>

During evaluation of In[10]:= ReplaceAll::reps: {ImportString[{\[Ellipsis] 44%2C9337792%2C19703707%2C14607461%2C2659808059%2C18771160&oauth_signature=hO7dYANpNmD0BHXRCAUr7NG9SXQ%3D, VerifyPeer -> False, CredentialsProvider -> None}, JSON]} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>

During evaluation of In[10]:= ReplaceAll::reps: {<<1>>} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>

During evaluation of In[10]:= General::stop: Further output of ReplaceAll::reps will be suppressed during this calculation. >>

Out[10]//Short= \!\(

RowBox[{"\<\"273767098\"\>", ",", "\<\"17352618\"\>",
",", "\<\"42417984\"\>", ",", "\<\"15128484\"\>", ",",
RowBox[{"<<", "776", ">>"}], ",", "\<\"14369724\"\>",
",", "\<\"14183055\"\>", ",", "\<\"3730611\"\>"}], "}"}],
