I want the map to be rotated by -45 Degree. I want to coast to be horizontal (perfect -45 degree). I already have:
loc = GeoPosition[{52.57243, 5.51780}];
loc1 = GeoPosition[{52.57718, 5.52193}];
loc2 = GeoPosition[{52.57449, 5.52636}];
loc3 = GeoPosition[{52.56495, 5.51071}];
loc4 = GeoPosition[{52.56765, 5.50631}];
GeoGraphics[{Red, Thick,GeoPath[{{loc1, loc2}, {loc2, loc3}, {loc3, loc4}, {loc4, loc1}}], GeoStyling["StreetMap"]}, GeoZoomLevel -> 14,GeoScaleBar -> Placed["meters", {Center, Top}], GeoCenter -> loc,GeoRange -> Quantity[2, "Kilometers"]]
I already tried the rotate function which gave unsatisfying results. The code (without rotation) gives the following result:
But I want it to look like this (inluding a -45 degree rotation and where coordinates are still displayed correctly):
I also tried the following which is an edited copy from Mathematica documentation center:
upsidedown = (ImageTransformation[#, RotationTransform[Pi/4], DataRange -> {Automatic, {-1, 1}}] &);
downunder = GeoDisk[loc, Quantity[2, "Kilometers"]];
bestemmingsgebied = GeoPath[{{loc1, loc2}, {loc2, loc3}, {loc3, loc4}, {loc4, loc1}}];
GeoGraphics[{GeoStyling["StreetMap", GeoStylingImageFunction -> upsidedown], downunder, bestemmingsgebied}, GeoBackground -> GeoStyling["StreetMapNoLabels"], GeoCenter -> loc, GeoScaleBar -> Placed["meters", {Center, Top}]]
This results in the following picture:
Unfortunately the box didn't rotate, so is there a way to do this?
Oh btw I'm using version 10.3.
Thanks in advance!
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