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performance tuning - Manipulate executes expressions multiple times

I am using Manipulate for a rather intricate front end for data visualization. I was getting very sluggish performance and was able to boil the problem down to a very similar question (Why does Manipulate execute the expression twice?). The suggestions of using ContinuousAction->False and TrackedSymbols does not seem to work in this case.

Let's simplify the problem by producing a simple array of numbers and mapping a simple function through them. The array of numbers needs to change dynamically, here we just change the length based on a manipulation parameter, i:

manipulateSlow[] := Module[{data, updated},
data = RandomReal[{0, 1}, 100*i];
updated = Map[Sin, data];
, {i, {1, 2, 3}}]]

manipulateFast[] := Module[{updated},

updated = Map[Sin, RandomReal[{0, 1}, 100*i]];
, {i, {1, 2, 3}}]]

When one plays with the parameter i in manipulateSlow


the code internal to Manipulate is called multiple times. This is in contrast to manipulateFast


where when fiddling with the parameter i the code internal to Manipulate is only called once per manipulation.

This example is, of course, just a toy. In my real application the process of RamdomReal is replaced by a much slower data reading function. Calling it multiple times is not an option.


I lied when previously saying that TrackedSymbols does not work. The follow fixes the issue of multiple Print evaluations.

manipulateFixed[] := Module[{data, updated},
data = RandomReal[{0, 1}, 100*i];
updated = Map[Sin, data];
, {i, {1, 2, 3}},TrackedSymbols :> {i}]]

I must be confused about how TrackedSymbols changes the evaluation process. What is happening inside of manipulateFast that does not cause the evaluation to occur twice?


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