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algebraic manipulation - Rewrite a real polynomial in real (but only linear and quadratic) factors

According to my calculus book: "Every real polynomial can be factored into a product of real (possibly repeated) linear factors and real (also possibly repeated) quadratic factors having no real zeros."

Question: how to do this in Mathematica?

For example: $f(x) = x^5 - 3 x^4 + x^2 - 11 x + 6$

Factor[x^5 - 3 x^4 + x^2 - 11 x + 6]

This doesn't give the desired result (btw, why not?)


As noted, one sticking point is that polynomial roots in general cannot be represented in Mathematica by anything other than Root[] objects. Nevertheless, it is possible to do a few manipulations to factorize a real polynomial into its linear and quadratic factors.

decompose[poly_, x_] /; PolynomialQ[poly, x] := Module[{gr, rts},
rts = x /. Solve[poly == 0, x];
gr = GatherBy[rts, {Composition[Unitize, Im],
Composition[RootReduce, Re]}];
Coefficient[poly, x, Exponent[poly, x]]
Apply[Times, Factor[Collect[Times @@ #, x, RootReduce]] & /@

(x - Apply[Join, gr])]]

First, an easy case:

decompose[200 - 448 x + 204 x^2 + 35 x^3 - 89 x^4 + 46 x^5 - 9 x^6 + x^7, x]
(-2 + x) (1/2 (1 - Sqrt[5]) + x) (1/2 (1 + Sqrt[5]) + x)
(25 - 6 x + x^2) (4 - 2 x + x^2)

Here's the OP's example:

decompose[6 - 11 x + x^2 - 3 x^4 + x^5, x]
(x + Root[-6 - 11 #1 - #1^2 + 3 #1^4 + #1^5 &, 1])

(x + Root[-6 - 11 #1 - #1^2 + 3 #1^4 + #1^5 &, 2])
(x + Root[-6 - 11 #1 - #1^2 + 3 #1^4 + #1^5 &, 3])
(x^2 + Root[1296 - 216 #1 + 648 #1^2 + 1566 #1^3 - 1457 #1^4 + 270 #1^5 -
244 #1^6 + 80 #1^7 + 8 #1^8 + #1^10 &, 4] +
x Root[-718 - 1115 #1 + 116 #1^2 + 820 #1^3 + 539 #1^4 + 186 #1^5 + 102 #1^6 +
107 #1^7 + 54 #1^8 + 12 #1^9 + #1^10 &, 3])

Complicated, yes. But N[] reveals that the Root[]s are mere algebraic numbers after all:

(-3.1838 + x) (-0.552473 + x) (1.53612 + x) (2.2206 - 0.799845 x + x^2)
