I have a curve that is defined as f[x] and what I'm attempting to do is to divide the curve into equal straight lengths for a number of segments of my choosing that I've defined as nSeg. I've created a sheet that can work through and determine the (x,y) co-ordinates for each segment, but I'm having to manually manipulate the equations to create a single equation for Mathematica to find the roots for. The straight length of the curve I've defined as; chordL = Table[ Sqrt[(Subscript[x, i + 1] - Subscript[x,i])^2 + (f[Subscript[x, i + 1]] - f[Subscript[x, i]])^2 ], {i, 1, nSeg} ] This creates a list of equations for the length of each segment. What I would like to do is make each part of the list equal to each other so that I can feed this into FindRoot later in the sheet so that if I decide to change the number of segments from 8 to 10, the sheet can be refreshed from a single variable. FindRoot[*combined equations*,...