In my "Numerical Analysis" course, I learned the Romberg Algorithm to numerically calculate the integral.
The Romberg Algorithm as shown below:
where Tn=h2[f(a)+2n−1∑i=1f(xi)+f(b)] and h=b−an.
My code:
trapezium[func_, n_, {a_, b_}] :=
With[{h = (b - a)/n},
1/2 h (func@a + 2 Sum[func[a + i h], {i, 1, n - 1}] + func@b)
rombergCalc[func_,iter_, {a_, b_}] :=
Module[{m = 1},
MovingAverage[#, {-1,4^(m++)}] &,
Table[trapezium[func, 2^i, {a, b}], {i, 0., iter}], 3]
The calculation process comes from my textbook
Fixed one bug 1
Fixed bug 2
rombergCalc[Exp, 5, {0, 1}]//InputForm
{1.7182818287945305, 1.7182818284603885, 1.7182818284590502}
My Question update
- In function
, I utilized the usagem++
that I believe is not suitable in Mathematica Programming. Is there any other method to replacem++
or implement Romberg Algorithm?
- Why Block[{$MinPrecision = precision, $MaxPrecision = precision}..]
cannot give the result that contain significance digit
that I gave(seeing the graphic of textbook)?
(Thanks for @xzczd's solution for dealing with precision problem)
N[{a, b}, precision]
and replace
trapezium[func, 2^i, {a, b}], {i, 0., iter}]
trapezium[func, 2^i, {a, b}], {i, 0, iter}]
- Except for SetOptions[SelectedNotebook[], PrintPrecision -> 16]
or InputForm
, is there other solutions to set precision conveniently?
Nice to meet you, Mr. Shu.
Bug fix first. Your function doesn't work under desired precision because:
Table[trapezium[func, 2^i, {a, b}], {i, **0.**, iter}]
Changing it to
Table[trapezium[func, 2^i, {a, b}], {i, 0, iter}]
still doesn't fix the problem, because all the numbers taking part in the calculation have infinite precision. Adding an
N[…, precision]
somewhere still doesn't fix the problem, because your utilization of m++
is not only unsuitable, but also wrong. Try changing your m++
into (Print[i = m++]; i)
and see what will happen.
Fixed code:
trapezium[func_, n_, {a_, b_}] :=
With[{h = (b - a)/n},
1/2 h (func@a + 2 Sum[func[a + i h], {i, 1, n - 1}] + func@b)]
rombergCalc[func_, iter_, {a_, b_}, precision_] :=
Block[{$MinPrecision = precision, $MaxPrecision = precision},
Module[{m = 1},
With[{n = 4^(m++)},
Flatten@(MovingAverage[#, {-1, n}] & /@ Partition[#, 2, 1])] &,
Table[trapezium[func, 2^(i - 1), N[{a, b}, precision]], {i,
iter}], 3]]]
It's so ugly now that I'd like to turn to:
trapezium[func_, n_, {a_, b_}] :=
With[{h = (b - a)/n},
Module[{f = Function[x, func@x, Listable]}, h (Total@f@Range[a, b, h] - 1/2 (f@a + f@b))]]
rombergCalc[func_, iter_, {a_, b_}, precision_] :=
FoldList[Rest@# + 1/(4^#2 - 1) Differences@# &,
trapezium[func, 2^(# - 1), N[{a, b}, precision]] & /@ Range@iter, Range@3]
Finally "visualize" the result:
TableForm[Flatten[rombergCalc[Exp, 6, {0, 1}, 13], {{2}, {1}}],
TableHeadings -> {2^Range[0, 5],
{"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(T\), \(n\)]\)",
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(S\), \(n\)]\)",
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(C\), \(n\)]\)",
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(R\), \(n\)]\)"}}, TableAlignments -> Center]
For completeness, here's a compiled version of the function above. Notice that it only speeds up Listable
compilable internal functions or pure functions formed by Listable
compilable internal function.
trapezium[f_, n_, {a_, b_}] :=
With[{h = (b - a)/n},
h (Total[f@Range[a, b, h]] - 1/2 (f@a + f@b))]
compiledrombergCalc[f_, {a_, b_}] :=
Hold@Compile[{{i, _Integer}},
Fold[Rest@# + 1/(4^#2 - 1) Differences@# &,
trapezium[f, 2^(# - 1), {a, b}] & /@ Range@i, Range@3]] /.
g = Exp[#] &
NumberForm[compiledrombergCalc[g, {0, 1}][18], 13] // AbsoluteTiming
It's a 23X speedup compared to the uncompiled version.
Also notice that inside the compiled function, the calculation is under MachinePrecision
so the Precision
of the result is also MachinePrecision
, though its appearance is changed by NumberForm
. However, I think this treatment may be closer to what your text book has done: as said in the comment below, significance arithmetic is the secret recipe of Mathematica anyway.
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