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charts - How to create a stacked BarChart with custom bar origins as function?

I want to create a simple stacked bar chart where the bars start a custom y-axis point and end at another y-axis point.

So far I have:

BarChart[{{2, 4}, {-2, 6}}, ChartLayout -> "Stacked"]

which gives:

Stacked bar chart

However, I want a single bar on the left that originates at 2 and goes up to 4, and on the right a bar that starts at -2 and goes up to 6.

How can I achieve this? I also experimented around with the ChartElementFunction but I can not find how to specify a starting point of the bar.

Thanks for any help in advance.


I'm not sure whether this is documented or not. You can pass additional arguments to the ChartElementFunction like this:

r[{{xmin_, xmax_}, {ymin_, ymax_}}, y_, {origin_}] :=
Rectangle[{xmin, ymin + origin}, {xmax, ymax + origin}]

BarChart[{{1} -> 1, {1} -> 2, {2} -> 3}, ChartElementFunction -> r]

Mathematica graphics


Perhaps more elegant and somewhat more obscure:

r[a_, _, {origin_}] := Rectangle @@ Transpose[a + {0, origin}]
