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date and time - How to remove the TimeZone from a TimeObject

TimeObject constructor adds TimeZone even when it's not meaningful or appropriate.

In this example, Mathematica imputes GMT-7 because I'm in California. But the data represents sensor clock w/ only HMS data (no location).

TimeObject[{0, 15, 14}] // FullForm   

TimeObject[List[0, 15, 14.`], Rule[TimeZone, -7.`]]

Standard replacement doesn't hold:

TimeObject[List[0, 15, 14.2`], Rule[TimeZone, -7.`]] /. Rule[TimeZone, _] :> Sequence[] 

enter image description here

A similar problem (is it worth a separate question?): TimelinePlot also imputes today's YMD date visible on mouseover. This is false as the sensor was recorded months ago:

 TimeObject[{0, 15, 14}] // TimelinePlot

enter image description here
