calculus and analysis - Can Mathematica help me evaluate an integral over disjoint disks I=intD1intD2log|x−y|dydx?
I want to evaluate an integral that involves two disjoint unit disks D1 and D2. D1 is centered at (−2,0) and D2 is centered at (0,2). The integral I want to compute is
I looked at the in-built Python integration methods and also the quadpy library but although they have lots of options for integration over a single disk, I couldn't find anything that can help me with integrating over two disjoint disks.
Is it possible to evaluate this integral in Mathematica? I don't need an optimum method, I just need to obtain the value of this integral.
Log[Norm[{x1, x2} - {y1, y2}]],
{x1, x2} ∈ Disk[{-2, 0}, 1],
{y1, y2} ∈ Disk[{2, 0}, 1]
(the actual result being 13.682176919165677
In order to enter ∈
, just type Esc e l Esc.
In order to increase the precision, use the option PrecisionGoal
Another possibility that relieves Mathematica from the need to discretize the disks and that allows her to use higher-order quadrature formulas is to employ polar coordinates on each of the disks:
Log[Norm[{r1 Cos[θ1] - 2,r1 Sin[θ1]} - {r2 Cos[θ2] + 2,r2 Sin[θ2]}]] r1 r2,
{r1, 0, 1}, {θ1, -Pi, Pi},
{r2, 0, 1}, {θ2, -Pi, Pi},
Method -> "LocalAdaptive"
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