$\frac{199319989756262759279209}{5} $ = $ 3.9864\times 10^{22}$ according to Mathematica, but I would like to see this number exactly in decimal form (not in scientific notation). I'm attempting to use the Euclidean Algorithm and Extended Euclidean algorithm to get a final result, and precision and accuracy both are very much needed. This number truncated would give me x and then y is simply the difference of that large number and 5 x
. Unless there's an easier way to do the Euclidean algorithm in Mathematica as well that'd be nice.
mathematical optimization - Minimizing using indices, error: Part::pkspec1: The expression cannot be used as a part specification
I want to use Minimize where the variables to minimize are indices pointing into an array. Here a MWE that hopefully shows what my problem is. vars = u@# & /@ Range[3]; cons = Flatten@ { Table[(u[j] != #) & /@ vars[[j + 1 ;; -1]], {j, 1, 3 - 1}], 1 vec1 = {1, 2, 3}; vec2 = {1, 2, 3}; Minimize[{Total@((vec1[[#]] - vec2[[u[#]]])^2 & /@ Range[1, 3]), cons}, vars, Integers] The error I get: Part::pkspec1: The expression u[1] cannot be used as a part specification. >> Answer Ok, it seems that one can get around Mathematica trying to evaluate vec2[[u[1]]] too early by using the function Indexed[vec2,u[1]] . The working MWE would then look like the following: vars = u@# & /@ Range[3]; cons = Flatten@{ Table[(u[j] != #) & /@ vars[[j + 1 ;; -1]], {j, 1, 3 - 1}], 1 vec1 = {1, 2, 3}; vec2 = {1, 2, 3}; NMinimize[ {Total@((vec1[[#]] - Indexed[vec2, u[#]])^2 & /@ R...
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