I'm trying to plot the Fourier transform of sin(2t).
I tried using the FourierTransform Function (I'm expecting a peak at w = 2
) but it gives me undefined at w = 2
because the DiracDelta function is not defined at DiracDelta[0]
. Is there any way around this? I used
Plot[FourierTransform[Sin[2*t], t, w], {w, -3, 3}, PlotRange -> Full]
which has gaps at 2 and -2, but no height. How do I get a peak with some height there?
Since the transform has complex delta functions, you have to create a representation by hand.
FourierTransform[Sin[2*t], t, w]
I Sqrt[\[Pi]/2] DiracDelta[-2 + w] - I Sqrt[\[Pi]/2] DiracDelta[2 + w]
Here's one way that includes marking the axes by hand.
Plot[UnitBox[100 (2 - w)] - UnitBox[100 (2 + w)],
{w, -3, 3}, Exclusions -> {-2, 2}, PlotStyle -> Thick,
Ticks -> {Automatic, {{-1, Row[{-I Sqrt[Pi/2], Infinity}]}, {1,
Row[{I Sqrt[Pi/2], Infinity}]}}}]
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