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custom notation - Going full functional (Haskell style)

I'm trying to define some notation so that Mathematica code would be more functional, similar to Haskell (just for fun): currying, lambdas, infix operator to function conversion, etc.. And I have some questions about it:

  • Is it possible to make all Mathematica h_[x1_,x2_,...] functions to work as h[x1][x2][..]?

  • Can I distinguish inside Notation box between <+1> and <1+>, how do I check for + there?

  • How to define right-associate apply operator with highest precedence ($)?

This is what I have so far:

<< Notation`;

lapply[x_, y_] := x[y]
rapply[x_, y_] := x[y]
InfixNotation[ParsedBoxWrapper["\\"], lapply]
InfixNotation[ParsedBoxWrapper["$"], rapply]
x_ \ y_ \ z_ := x[y][z]
x_ $ y_ $ z_ := x[y[z]]

RowBox[{"λ", " ", "x__"}], "->",

"y_"}]] ⟺ ParsedBoxWrapper[
RowBox[{"Function", "[",
RowBox[{"{", "x__", "}"}], ",", "y_"}], "]"}]]]

RowBox[{"op_", " ", "x_"}],
"〉"}]] ⟺

RowBox[{"#", "op_", " ", "x_"}], "&"}]]]
AddInputAlias["f" -> ParsedBoxWrapper[
RowBox[{"\[Placeholder]", "\[Placeholder]"}],


RowBox[{"x_", " ", ".."}], " ", "y_"}],
"}"}]] ⟺ ParsedBoxWrapper[
RowBox[{"Range", "[",
RowBox[{"x_", ",", "y_"}], "]"}]]]

filter[f_][x_List] := Select[x, f]
map[f_][x__List] := Map[f, x]

filter\PrimeQ $ map\〈-1〉 $ map\ \
(λ x -> 2^x)\ {1 .. 100}

EDIT: Also did some kinda lazy lists, soon it will be haskell inside Mathematica :)

SetAttributes[list, HoldAll]
list[h_, l_][x_] := list[h, l[x]]
list[x_] := list[x, list]

map[f_][list] := list
map[f_][list[x_, xs_]] := list[f[x], map[f][xs]]

take[0][_] := list

take[_][list] := list
take[n_Integer][list[x_, xs_]] := list[x, take[n - 1][xs]]

range[n_Integer] := range[1, n]
range[m_, n_] := list[m, range[m + 1, n]]
range[n_, n_] := list[n, list]

show[list] := "[]"
show[list[x_, l_]] := ToString[x] <> "," <> show[l]

show $ (take[10] $ map\ (λ x -> x^2) $ range[10000])


That's how I finally defined haskell operators:

rapply[x_] := x
rapply[x_, y__] := x[rapply[y]]
InfixNotation[ParsedBoxWrapper["|"], rapply]

lapply[x_] := x
lapply[x__, y_] := lapply[x][y]
InfixNotation[ParsedBoxWrapper["∘"], lapply]

InfixNotation[ParsedBoxWrapper["·"], Composition]

Now ∘, ˙ and | act exactly like haskell's space, . and $ respectfully. Also if we have only single left application then @ is still helpful and it can be hidden with escape characters :@:.

And beautiful code like showâ‹…take 10â‹…map (λ x→x∧2)â‹…range|∞ is possible. There are invisible @'s between take and 10, map and (λ x→x∧2). In haskell the same would look like show.take∖x−>x∧2)$[1..].

With double left application, ∘ is necessary: map∘(λ x→x+1)∘{1,2,3}

UPDATE: I made this TextCell hack to make partial infix operators:

infix[f_String] := Block[{x,y},Head[ToExpression["x" <> f <> "y"]]]

〈TextCell[s_][x_]〉 := infix[s][#, x] &

〈x_[TextCell[s_]]〉 := infix[s][x, #] &

We again can use invisible @ for application. Aliases can be made with TextCell on the left and on the right within AngleBrackets to enter them conveniently. Now stuff like <~Mod~10>, <2^>, <^3> also works.


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