I have to solve a transcendental equation for a parameter, say β. Now, the β has a range from ik to k where i is the usual imaginary root √−1 and k is a real number. Problem is, the transcendental equation has multiple solutions, and so I cannot guess what will be the proper choice for the initial value of β in FindRoot
. I could do it if β ranges from p to q where p and q are reals by plotting the transcendental equation's lhs and rhs. However, I don't know how to plot complex ranges. Is there any way to guess the initial values?
Code I used:
e1 = 1; e2 = -1; e0 = 8.854*^-12; mu0 = 1.257*^-6; c = 3.0*^8; w = 2*Pi*2*^14;
k = w/c; a = 600*^-9; k1 = w*Sqrt[e1]/c; k2 = w*Sqrt[e2]/c; b = p + q I;
u = Sqrt[k1^2 - b^2]; ww = Sqrt[b^2 - k2^2]; v = 1;
t1 = (BesselJ[v - 1, u a] - BesselJ[v + 1, u a])/(2*u*BesselJ[v, u a]);
t2 = -(BesselK[v - 1, ww a] + BesselK[v + 1, ww a])/(2*ww* BesselK[v, ww a]);
x = (e1 t1 + e2 t2) (t1 + t2); y = ((b*v)/(k*a))*(1/u^2 + 1/ww^2);
ClickPane[ ContourPlot[{Re[x - y^2], Im[x - y^2]}, {p, 0, k}, {q, 0, k}],
(xycord = #) & ] Dynamic[xycord]
One method I use is to separately plot the zero contours of the real and imaginary parts of the equation whose complex roots are being sought.
As a particular example, say I want the complex roots z=x+iy of the error function,
in the first quadrant, $0
I do something like this:
plt = ContourPlot[{Re[Erf[x + I y]] == 0, Im[Erf[x + I y]] == 0}, {x, 0, 5}, {y, 0, 5}]
One option is manual: right-click on the image, click "Get Coordinates", pick out and click on a crossing, and then press Ctrl+C to copy the coordinates. For instance, if I want the root of least magnitude, my attempt at performing that procedure yields the point {1.453, 1.887}
, which can then be fed to FindRoot[]
FindRoot[Erf[z] == 0, {z, 1.453 + 1.887 I}]
{z -> 1.450616163243677 + 1.8809430001533158*I}
A better approach to finding these roots is to use a utility function called FindAllCrossings2D[]
due to Stan Wagon. Here's how to use it:
sols = FindAllCrossings2D[{Re[Erf[x + I y]], Im[Erf[x + I y]]}, {x, 0, 5}, {y, 0, 5}]
{{1.4506161632436756, 1.8809430001533154}, {2.2446592738032476, 2.61657514068944},
{2.839741046908047, 3.175628099643187}, {3.3354607354411554, 3.646174376387361},
{3.7690055670142044, 4.060697233933308}, {4.158998399781451, 4.435571444236523},
{4.516319399583921, 4.78044764414843}}
Conversion to the corresponding complex roots is easy, of course:
#1 + I #2 & @@@ sols
You can graphically verify the roots, too:
Show[plt, Epilog -> {AbsolutePointSize[4], Red, Point[sols]}]
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