I have a list bdrs
of SparseArray
s, which represent the boundary matrices of a chain complex $R^{d_0}\overset{\partial_1}{\longleftarrow}R^{d_1}\longleftarrow\ldots\longleftarrow R^{d_{N-1}}\overset{\partial_N}{\longleftarrow}R^{d_N}$ over $R\!\in\!\{\mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{Z}_p\}$. I store this data as $d_0,\ldots,d_N$=dims
, $N$=dim
, $R$=p
$\}$. Typically, $\partial_k$ has dimensions $10^6\!\times\!10^6$ and density $10^{-5}$. See this or this or this link, to understand how SparseArray stores data.
For $k=1,\ldots,N$, I wish to (a) compute a sequence
=$M_1,\ldots,M_N$, in which $M_k$ is the set of all invertible entries in $\partial_k$, that have zeros left of them (in their row) and below them (in their column). Then for every $(i,j)$-entry in $M_k$, I wish to (b) delete it from $\partial_k$, and delete the $i$-column from $\partial_{k-1}$ and $j$-row from $\partial_{k+1}$.
First, if $R\!=\!\mathbb{Z}_p$ I mod out the entries, then delete all zero entries, and sort the rest of the entries:
If[p!="Z" && p!=0, bdrs=Mod[bdrs,p]];
bdrs = Table[SparseArray[Sort@ArrayRules@bdrs[[k]],dims[[k;;k+1]]], {k,dim}];
Attempt 1:
Note that some $d_k$ may be $0$. The construction is done by
Mm = DeleteCases[ Table[
i=bdrs[[k,All,j]]["NonzeroPositions"][[-1,1]]; w=bdrs[[k,i,j]];
If[bdrs[[k,i]]["NonzeroPositions"][[1,1]]==j && If[p=="Z", w^2==1, True],
bdrs[[k,i,j]]=0; {i,j}->w, ""],
{k,dim}, {j, If[dims[[k]]*dims[[k+1]]==0, {},
DeleteDuplicates@Flatten@bdrs[[k]]["ColumnIndices"]]}], "",2];
Mm = DeleteCases[ Table[ {i,j}=e; w=bdrs[[k,i,j]];
If[bdrs[[k,All,j]]["NonzeroPositions"][[-1]]=={i} && If[p=="Z", w^2==1, True],
bdrs[[k,i,j]]=0; {i,j}->w, ""],
{k,dim}, {e, If[dims[[k]]*dims[[k+1]]==0, {},
First/@ GatherBy[bdrs[[k]]["NonzeroPositions"], First]]}], "",2];
and then deletion of rows/columns:
Do[ If[1 If[k
Both constructions (a) are awfully slow on large matrices, but (b) is really fast.
Attempt 2:
Instead of a SparseArray
, I use an Association
of rows and of columns.
rows[bdr_] := With[
{l=GatherBy[ ArrayRules[bdr][[1;;-2]] /.({i_,j_}->w_Integer) :> {i,j,w}, First]},
Association@Table[r[[1,1]]->(Rest/@r), {r,l}]];
mm[r_,c_] := Module[{j,w}, Association@ DeleteCases[ Table[ {j,w}=r[i][[1]];
If[c[j][[-1]]=={i,w} && If[p=="Z",w^2==1,True], {i,j}->w,""],{i,Keys@r}],""]];
Mm = Table[r=rows@bdrs[[k]]; c=rows@Transpose@bdrs[[k]]; mm[r,c], {k,dim}];
Here (a) is much faster, but if I replace each bdrs[[k]]
with its association of rows and of columns, then achieving (b) becomes very slow (applying DeleteCases[#,MemberQ[#[[1,1]]&/@Mm[[k]],#]&]&
to all values in the Association
Later, I will be computing a lot sums of rows, so I need to keep either bdrs
or rows & columns of these matrices as Association
Examples for testing purposes:
Let us use a command, that builds up a chain complex from the faces of a simplicial complex:
chainComplexSC[bases_] := Module[{dim=Length@bases, dims=Length/@bases, basesk, baseskk, bdrs={}, entries, bdr, x},
basesk = AssociationThread[bases[[1]],Range@dims[[1]]];
Do[ baseskk=AssociationThread[bases[[k]],Range@dims[[k]]];
AppendTo[bdrs, SparseArray[entries, dims[[k-1;;k]]]];
basesk=baseskk; Clear[baseskk];, {k,2,dim}]; bdrs];
sCxSimplices[facets_,k_] := ParallelCombine[ DeleteDuplicates@
Flatten[Table[Subsets[s,{k}],{s,#}],1]&, facets,Union,Method->"CoarsestGrained"];
Let us create the $m\!\times\!n$ chessboard complex:
m = 4;
n = 4;
facets = FindClique[GraphComplement@LineGraph@CompleteGraph[{m, n}], Infinity, All];
dim = Max[Length /@ facets];
bases = Table[sCxSimplices[facets, k + 1], {k, 0, dim - 1}];
dims = Length /@ bases;
bdrs = chainComplexSC[bases];
A good testing example is $m\!=\!8, n\!=\!9$, which has the f-vector dims
=$72, 2016, 28224, 211680, 846720, 1693440, 1451520, 362880$.
This might solve problem (a). You have to preprocess the input matrix A
such that it has 1
at positions where the original matrix bdrs[[k]]
had an invertible element and -1
at positions where the original matrix had a noninvertible nonzero element.
Here is a test matrix:
n = 10000;
m = 10000;
nedges = 4000000;
A = SparseArray`SparseArraySort@SparseArray[
RandomInteger[{1, m}, nedges],
RandomInteger[{1, n}, nedges]
}] -> RandomChoice[{-1, 1}, nedges],
{m, n}];
This computes the set of pairs (i,j}
as described by OP; it runs through in about a quarter of a second.
M = A \[Function] Module[{Ainv, At, rowswithinv, firstinvcolumns, firstnonzerocolumns, rowswithleadinginv, leadinginvcols, lastnonzerorows},
Ainv = SparseArray[Clip[A, {0, 1}]];
rowswithinv = Random`Private`PositionsOf[Unitize[Differences[Ainv["RowPointers"]]], 1];
If[Length[rowswithinv] > 0,
firstinvcolumns = Flatten[Ainv["ColumnIndices"][[Ainv["RowPointers"][[rowswithinv]] + 1]]];
firstnonzerocolumns = Flatten[A["ColumnIndices"][[A["RowPointers"][[rowswithinv]] + 1]]];
With[{picker = Random`Private`PositionsOf[UnitStep[firstnonzerocolumns - firstinvcolumns], 1]},
rowswithleadinginv = rowswithinv[[picker]];
leadinginvcols = firstinvcolumns[[picker]];
If[Length[leadinginvcols] > 0,
At = Transpose[A[[All, leadinginvcols]]];
lastnonzerorows = Flatten[At["ColumnIndices"][[At["RowPointers"][[2 ;; -1]]]]];
With[{picker = Random`Private`PositionsOf[UnitStep[rowswithleadinginv - lastnonzerorows], 1]},
M[A]; // AbsoluteTiming //First
The only ingredients of measureable costs are the lines
Ainv = SparseArray[Clip[A, {0, 1}]]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
At = Transpose[A[[All, leadinginvcols]]];
which costs about 0.096315
However, I have not tested the implementation thoroughly, yet.
You might find this interesting. Your example can be generated much quicker by using Szabolcs' package "IGraphM`"
along with the following code:
facets = IGCliques[GraphComplement@LineGraph@CompleteGraph[{m, n}]];
bases = Sort@*Developer`ToPackedArray /@ GatherBy[facets, Length];
dims = Length /@ bases;
Moreover, the following function might be faster at generating the boundary operators:
chainComplexSC2[bases_] :=
Module[{dim, dims, basesk, baseskk, bdrs = {}, entries, bdr, x, a, cf},
dim = Length@bases;
dims = Length /@ bases;
cf = Compile[{{list, _Integer, 1}},
Table[Delete[list, i], {i, 1, Length[list]}],
CompilationTarget -> "WVM",
RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
Parallelization -> True
basesk = AssociationThread[bases[[1]], Range@dims[[1]]];
baseskk = AssociationThread[bases[[k]], Range@dims[[k]]];
a = SparseArray[
Lookup[basesk, Flatten[cf[Keys@baseskk], 1]],
Flatten[Transpose@ConstantArray[Range[dims[[k]]], k]]
Flatten[ConstantArray[(-1)^Range[2, k + 1], dims[[k]]]]
dims[[k - 1 ;; k]]
AppendTo[bdrs, a];
basesk = baseskk;
{k, 2, dim}];
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