I have the following notebook (trying to caclulate the pull-in voltage of a structure):
phi1 = b1 Cos[1.03855 x1] - b1 Cosh[1.03855 x1] + a1 Sin[1.03855 x1] -
a1 Sinh[1.03855 x1]
phi2 = b2 Cos[1.84683 x2] + d2 Cosh[1.84683 x2]
param = {b1 -> -0.255808, b2 -> 0.0340514, d2 -> 0.00305984, a1 -> 1,
c1 -> -1}
(*Numeric Constants*)
h = 2*10^-6;
wa = 10*10^-6;
la = 60*10^-6;
w = 100*10^-6;
l = 100*10^-6;
g = 1*10^-6;
e = 160*10^9;
epsilon0 = 8.85*10^-12;
sig0 = 0
i1 = wa*h^3/12;
i2 = w*h^3/12;
Area1 = h*wa;
Area2 = h*w;
θ = (Area2/Area1)^(1/4);
α = (i2/i1)^(1/4);
u = la/(l + la);
y = l/(l + la);
numericPhi1[x1_] = phi1 /. param
numericPhi2[x2_] = phi2 /. param
ph[x_] = Piecewise[{{numericPhi1[x],
0 <= x <= u}, {numericPhi2[1 - x], u < x <= 1}}];
Ï•[x_] :=
Piecewise[{{ph[x], 0 <= x <= 1}, {ph[2 - x], 1 < x <= 2}}];
b[x_?NumericQ] :=
Piecewise[{{wa, 0 <= x <= u}, {w, u < x <= 1}, {w,
1 < x <= 1 + (1 - u)}, {wa, 1 + (1 - u) < x <= 2}}]
i[x_?NumericQ] :=
Piecewise[{{i1, 0 <= x <= u}, {i2, u < x <= 1}, {i2,
1 < x <= 1 + (1 - u)}, {i1, 1 + (1 - u) < x <= 2}}]
nom[n_?NumericQ] :=
NIntegrate[(b[x] Ï•[x])/(g - n Ï•[x])^2, {x, 0, 2}]
denom[n_?NumericQ] :=
NIntegrate[(2 b[x] Ï•[x]^2)/(g - n Ï•[x])^3, {x, 0, 2}]
Now I try something simple:
If I do that I get the following warning:
NIntegrate::ncvb: NIntegrate failed to converge to prescribed accuracy after 9 recursive bisections in x near {x} = {0.00164274}. NIntegrate obtained 1.0191585739576856
*^7 and 9.39610858946137
*^6 for the integral and error estimates.
As you can see the error estimate is catastrophically huge 9.39610858946137*10^6
, hence I do not trust the result.
As pointed out in the comments by @AccidentalFourierTransform, it might be due to my numeric constants, since they vary over large magnitudes. However, I cannot change those constants as they are fixed by the physics of the problem.
Any help would be very much appreciated !
Some notes on debugging numerical solvers.
Singularities can cause all sorts of trouble with numerical routines. Sometimes it's not easy to tell whether your function has one if it has a complicated formula. Having a denominator as the OP's nom[]
does, certainly should suggest the possibility, and it should be one of the first things a user investigates. Making a graph is a relatively cheap way to examine a function for potential singularities, at least for univariate or bivariate functions. @AccidentalFourierTransform has already pointed out that indeed singularities are at the root of the trouble with nom[1.5]
. Aside from emphasizing the Make-A-Graph strategy, I want to show that there is a feasible domain for n
and how to find it.
Make A Graph
The somewhat consistent syntax design of Mathematica makes this simple: Copy input (Cmd-L on a Mac), change the command (NIntegrate
) to Plot
, nix the options. In this case, we have to copy the code from nom
and insert a value for n
Plot[(b[x] Ï•[x])/(g - n Ï•[x])^2 /. n -> 1.5, {x, 0, 2}]
Well, we see part of the graph being cut off. So we have to extend the PlotRange
Plot[(b[x] Ï•[x])/(g - n Ï•[x])^2 /. n -> 1.5, {x, 0, 2}, PlotRange -> All]
The spikes at or near x == 0, 2
might be vertical asymptotes (truncated by discrete sampling). The graph suggests there might be a problem
Analyzing the integrand
The integrand is a complicated combination of Piecewise
functions that stumps Solve
and gives NSolve
some difficulty. One can get at the pieces in various ways. PiecewiseExpand
will produce a single Piecewise
function. Part
2 of each element of Part
1 of a Piecewise
function yields the intervals for each piece and reveals the singularities where the pieces join:
PiecewiseExpand[(b[x] Ï•[x])/(g - n Ï•[x])^2][[1, All, 2]]
(* {3/8 < x <= 1, 1 < x < 13/8, 13/8 < x <= 2, x == 13/8, 0 <= x <= 3/8} *)
Passing these points to the numerical routine normally helps, when the function is otherwise well-behaved. For example, for feasible values of n
, the following is faster than the OP's definition:
nom[n_?NumericQ] :=
NIntegrate[(b[x] Ï•[x])/(g - n Ï•[x])^2, {x, 0, 3/8, 1, 13/8, 2}];
We can get the expression for the denominator corresponding to the first singularity shown in the graph above using the second argument of PiecewiseExpand
, which are assumptions to be applied in the expansion:
PiecewiseExpand[g - n Ï•[x], 0 < x < 3/8]
1/1000000 - n (-0.255808 Cos[1.03855 x] + 0.255808 Cosh[1.03855 x]
+ Sin[1.03855 x] - Sinh[1.03855 x])
This factor of the denominator is an analytic function and so has integer-order zeros. The denominator itself, being its square, has zeros of order 2 or higher (if it has any zero), which would not be integrable as @AccidentalFourierTransform has also pointed out. Where the factor is zero then determines whether function is integrable over {x, 0, 3/8}
. It is similar for the other pieces.
Solving for n
The equation g - n Ï•[x] == 0
is difficult to solve for x
but easy for n
npw = n /. First@Solve[g - n Ï•[x] == 0, n] // PiecewiseExpand
We can see how the singularity at x
depends on n
by plotting the inverse relation:
Plot[npw, {x, 0, 2}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {x, n}]
The minimum value of n
is at x == 1
n0 = npw /. x -> 1
(* 0.000026946 *)
For values of n
less than n0
, the integral converges:
nom[0.9 n0]
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