I am doing some research on some combinatorial object called GT-patterns. They are generated from three parts of data.
Two integer, partitions (sequences of weakly decreasing numbers), $\lambda = \lambda_1 \geq \lambda_2,\dotsc, \lambda_n \geq 0$ and $\mu = \mu_1 \geq \dotsc, \mu_n \geq 0$ such that $\lambda_i \geq \mu_i$, and vector of non-negative integers, $w = (w_1,\dotsc,w_k)$ such that $w_1+w_2+\dots + w_k = (\lambda_1+\dots + \lambda_n)-(\mu_1+\dots + \mu_n)$, generate all arrays where certain equalities and inequalities are satisfied, as in the example below:
Here, $\lambda = (4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0)$, $\mu = (2, 2, 1)$, and $w = (3, 3, 2, 1)$. Note that we pad $\mu$ with zeros so that it has the same length as $\lambda$.
The arrays are constructed as follows: It consists of $k+1$ rows, the first row is $\lambda$ and the last row is $\mu$. The difference of the sum of the entries in row $i$ and $i+1$ must be equal to $w_{k-i+1}$. Thus, thus, in the example, going to 5th row to 4th row, the row sum increases by 3. 4th to 3rd is also an increase by 3, followed by 2 and 1.
That are all equalities that are needed to be satisfied. Now, the inequalities we require to be fulfilled are that each down-right diagonal is weakly decreasing, and each down-left diagonal is weakly increasing. All entries should be non-negative integers. All solutions for the example is given below:
The output consists of the rows, (as a matrix).
I am also interested in the case where instead of specifying the row sums, we only specify the number of rows. The number of patterns that fit the requirement is still a finite number.
Thus, the method could be specified as follows:
FindGTPatterns[lambda_List, mu_List, w_List]
FindGTPatterns[lambda_List, mu_List, rows_Integer]
and the output is a list of matrices. The method I currently use is the one below. It is very straigthforward, it encodes the equalities and inequalities, and just use Reduce
. This works ok, but when the number of solutions is large (>30000), Reduce
cannot take it. Also, I strongly suspect that there is a more efficient solution that does not rely on Reduce
(* ToTableauShape is a method that pads the partitions so that they have the same lenghts, and wars if total of lambda minus total of mu is not the total of w *)
GTPatterns[lambda_List, mu_List:{},weight_List:{}]:=GTPatterns[ToTableauShape[lambda,mu,weight]];
GTPatterns[lambda_List, mu_List:{},maxBox_Integer]:=GTPatterns[ToTableauShape[lambda,mu,{}],maxBox];
GTPatterns[lambda_List, maxBox_Integer]:=GTPatterns[ToTableauShape[lambda,{},{}],maxBox];
GTPatterns[TableauShape[lambda_, mu_, weight_],maxBoxIn_Integer:0]:=Module[
{w, h, x, gtp, bddconds, wconds=True, ineqs, sol,maxBox=maxBoxIn},
(* Calculate width, height, of GT-pattern. *)
w = Length[lambda];
(* If no weight or maxBox specified, then maxBox is the number of parts of lambda. *)
h = 1 + Which[
Length[weight] >0 , Length[weight],
maxBox > 0, maxBox,
True, w];
gtp = Table[x[r][c], {r, h, 1, -1}, {c, w}]; (* The GT-pattern *)
(* Boundary conditions. *)
bddconds = And @@ Table[x[h][c] == lambda[[c]] && x[1][c] == mu[[c]], {c, w}];
wconds = And @@ Table[ Sum[x[r + 1][c] - x[r][c], {c, w}] == weight[[r]], {r, h - 1}];
(* Inequalities that must hold. *)
ineqs = And @@ Flatten[Table[
If[r < h, x[r + 1][c] >= x[r][c], True] &&
If[r < h && c < w, x[r][c] >= x[r + 1][c + 1], True] , {r, h}, {c, w}]];
sol = Reduce[bddconds && ineqs && wconds, Flatten@gtp, Integers];
If[sol===False, Return[{}]];
sol = gtp /. List[ToRules[sol]];
On a side note, these patterns are called Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns, and are related to representation theory in mathematics. I asked another question related to these earlier here, and got some really nice algorithms related to doing computations on these types of patterns.
Side note: In what I am doing, I am trying things for $m=1,2,3,...$ and examine all $\lambda$ where the total is $m$, and for each such $\lambda$, examine all $\mu$ and $w$ that fits the requirements, I examine all patterns. Currently, up to $m=8$ is ok, but after that, it takes too much time.
Of course, for some parameters $\lambda,\mu,w$ the set of patterns can be empty. If you have a nice description on WHEN this happens, you can write an article (but I think this is proven to be NP-hard in $m$).
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