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list manipulation - How to extract the edge from a set of points

I have an accumulation of points representing a body as you can see in the image below. From this data I want to generate a list of points or a curve, which is the envelope.

ListPlot of the data

The first idea was a convex hull, but the shape of the body is not convex.

ConvexHull of the datapoints

Is there a way to extract the points at the border?

click here for the data


One very simple basic approach is the following (I assume you already loaded the variable spiel)

With[{m = Normal@SparseArray[spiel -> 1]}, 
boundary = Position[m - Erosion[m, 1, Padding -> 0], 1];

ListPlot[{Position[m, 1], boundary}, PlotStyle -> {Gray, Red}]]

Mathematica graphics
