I would like to use the usual (new and nice) BarLegend[]
with something like
BarLegend[{"LakeColors", 1/10000 {-2, 2}}]
which looks like
I don't like the numbers, i would like to use ScientificForm[]
on them, hence get 0.0002=2×10−4 or even better - get just 2 at the label and ×10−4 in the bottom right or something like that.
Is there a way to obtain ScientificForm[]
for these labels? I searched the Documentation of the new ~Legends
and haven't found anything. And the very best would be, to be able to specify the number of digits used (where i would like to have 3, e.g. 2.00×10−4, so best would be ScientificForm[#,3] &
to be applied to every number of the Legend.
Surprisingly - following the approach of @Nasser M. Abbasi the two lines
f[x_] := ScientificForm[x, 2];
BarLegend[{"LakeColors", 1/10000 {-2, 2}}, LegendFunction -> f]
produce a Legend like
Though the second argument of ScientificForm[]
gets ignored. Any further ideas why that does happen?
Update #2
Changing f
to f[x_] := ScientificForm[N[{x} /. {DirectedInfinity -> Identity}], 2];
actually does change the number of digits, but returns the BarLegend
in an Array and produces errors, that (1.,4.}
is not a List of positive Integers (though they look quite Integer to me). Why there is an DirectInfinity
approaching, I haven't found out yet, without the replacement, the 1.
is a DirectedInfinity[1.]
Thanks to Nasser M. Abbasi i found a way. To change the Display. The function that you can provide for any ~Legend
via LegendFunction
wraps the complete ~Legend[]
into anything. And he mentioned, that NumberForm
encapsulates the numbers. So why not replace them (delayed)?
Version 1: Scientific Notation at every Label
Hence choosing
f[x_] := x /. {NumberForm[y_, {w_, z_}] :> ScientificForm[y, 2]}
to replace any NumberForm
in the Legend by ScientificForm
(using my preferred two digits) we may call
BarLegend[{"LakeColors", N[1/10000 {-2, 2}]}, LegendFunction -> f]
and obtain
which is one of the desired results.
Version 2: Extract exponent into the label
The first version might seem a little crowded for some Legends, so a nicer way would be to extract that Exponent from the ScientificFormat
and change back to NumberFormat
internally. While the first might also work, if the Range is implicitly given, this requires to know
{min, max} = 1/10000 {-2,10};
beforehand. Notice, that in this range, the Exponents of max (10−3) and min (−2×10−4) differ.
We calculate
exp = Log[10, Max[Abs[min], Abs[max]]]
which is −3 here. And change the approach from before to
f[x_] := x /. {NumberForm[y_, {w_, z_}] :>
NumberForm[PaddedForm[y/(10^exp), {1, 2}], 2]}
That way we can add a Label to the ~Legend
, for containing this exponent, for example
BarLegend[{"LakeColors", {-min, max}}, LegendFunction -> f,
LegendLabel -> Placed[DisplayForm[SuperscriptBox[ToString[" \[Times] 10"], exp]], Bottom]]
Which I think is nicer than the first version, though you have to know the range of values beforehand. The space before \[Times]
just places the label a little further to the right, such that it's bounded at the right hand side.
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