Basically, I want to write a function to compute the following sum
f(m,L):=∑0≤k1,⋯,kn≤m(mk1,k2,⋯kn) and supp(k)=L⊆{1,...,n}
I wrote the following function but it doesn't work:
L = {1, 2, 4, 5};
f[m, L] := Return[For[i = 1, i <= m, i++, Total[Multinomial@@Take[L, i]]]];
f[3, L]
(*f[3, {1, 2, 4, 5}]*)
What am I missing? Thank you
EDIT: I added a condition to the indices k, which I forgot to mention earlier. supp(k)=L means that L is the set of indices such that the components of the vector k=(k1,...,kn) are nonzero.
The sum is a little strange, because the multinomial coefficient makes sense only when k1+k2+…+kn=m. I will assume this restriction is (implicitly) intended and that n is fixed. (If not, a variation of the following solution will work.)
Notice that the set
is in one-to-one correspondence with the n differences
The elements of the latter are non-negative integers summing to m. If we add 1 to each, they will be positive and sum (obviously) to m+n. The set of such sequences is obtained with IntegerPartitions
Working backwards, then, we can invoke IntegerPartitions
, subtract 1 from all elements, apply Multinomial
, and Sum
what we have obtained. This leads to the efficient and straightforward solution:
f[m_Integer, n_Integer] :=
Sum[Multinomial @@ k, {k, # - ConstantArray[1, n] & /@ IntegerPartitions[m + n, {n}]}]
(Including {n}
as an argument to IntegerPartitions
causes the number of ki to be fixed at n.)
For example, f[5,4]
adds up all such multinomial coefficients having n=4 terms summing to m=5:
∑0≤k1≤k2≤k3≤k4≤5(5k1 k2 k3 k4)=(50 0 0 5)+(50 0 1 4)+(50 0 2 3)+(50 1 1 3)+(50 1 2 2)+(51 1 1 2)=1+5+10+20+30+60=126.
I have speculated (in comments below) that the role of L
might be to limit the possible values of the ki to a set. Specifically, this interpretation asks for the calculation of
∑ki∈L:0≤k1≤…≤kn≤m(mk1 k2 … kn)
where m, n, and L are given. When m is not too large, a simple way is to modify the preceding solution to include only those index vectors (ki) whose components lie in L:
f[m_Integer, n_Integer, support_List] :=
With[{indexes =
Select[# - ConstantArray[1, n] & /@ IntegerPartitions[m + n, {n}],
Complement[#, support] == {} &]},
Reap[Sum[Multinomial @@ Sow[k], {k, indexes}]]]
The inclusion of Sow
and Reap
(which can readily be removed after testing is complete) provides a method to monitor the calculation: each set of indexes is saved by Sow
and all are returned via Reap
after the calculation is complete.
f[5, 4, Range[0, 5]] (* Reproduce the preceding example *)
It obtains the same answer of 126, followed by the detailed list of indexes contributing to that value.
f[8, 4, {1, 2, 4, 5}]
The indexes clearly are limited to the set {1,2,4,5} in this calculation. Without that limitation, we would invoke f[8, 4, Range[0,8]]
, obtaining 8143 instead of 3696; 15 different index vectors contribute to this sum.
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