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files and directories - DumpSave'ing while lengthy program runs

tldr: is there a way to load all files following a structure/append to DumpSave file

i would like to run a script following the structure:

data = initializeDataSet[]
DumpSave['save0', data]

result1 = compute1[]
DumpSave['save1', result1]


resultn = computen[]
DumpSave['saven', resultn]


is there a good way to load all saves without going >>save0 to >>saven. Or is this manual work needed? A Get[name] where name allows for joker would suffice, but I don't think it exists. Putting them into a separate folder seems sensible.

Just saving at the end doesn't seem viable/safe to me in case of an unexpected early exit.

Edit: just discovered FileNames[] is a thing. the solution would be like:

names = FileNames[pattern,{directory}]
Do[Get[fileName], {fileName, names}]


You can use Get/@ FileNames["save*"].
