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plotting - Draw a triangulated sphere

How to draw a triangulated sphere such as the one below in Mathematica, without being restricted to these colors, but with a more uniform color (possibly with some shaded area), and with the background frame removed?

triangulated sphere


If you're a) on 10+ and b) don't need this cells to truly be colored, you can try this:

mesh = DiscretizeRegion@Sphere[];

Lighting -> Sequence @@@ {
ConstantArray[{"Point", Red, {0, 0, 75}}, 2],
Map[{"Point", Yellow, Append[#, 0]} &,
CirclePoints[3., 6]

ConstantArray[{"Point", Blue, {0, 0, -75}}, 2]
MeshCellHighlight -> {{1, All} -> Black}



This is just tricking you into thinking it's colored using Lighting. I was too lazy to highlight each cell. It's possible to write code to color an arbitrary discretized surface at the cell level. I've done it, but it's more code than I want to post here and isn't thoroughly proof-read. If you need that I can dig it up from wherever it's hiding, though.


OP mentions in the comments that he's really interested in the triangulation. That's easily extracted as such:

triangulation =
With[{cds = MeshCoordinates@mesh},
MeshCells[mesh, 2] /. i_Integer :> cds[[i]]

And just to check that we pulled it out right:

triangulation // Graphics3D

