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differential equations - Kernel quits without error in NDSolveValue

The crash is fixed in version 10.3

I am using the latest 10.1. The following single line command makes the kernel quit without error message (just a beep):

NDSolveValue[{-Derivative[0, 2][Φ][x, t] + Derivative[2, 0][Φ][x, t] == Sin[Φ[x, t]], 
Φ[x, 0] == 0, -Derivative[0, 1][Φ][0, t] + Derivative[1, 0][Φ][0, t] == 2*Sin[2*t]},
{Φ[x, t], Derivative[1, 0][Φ][x, t]}, {x, 0, 1}, {t, 0, 1}]

What goes wrong with this?
