During some computation, I sometimes stumble upon expressions such as:
expr = 1.4`*^-16 Sqrt[-4.`*^31 x3^2 Cos[0.1` T]^2 Sin[1.` T]^2 +
9.`*^31 x3 x4 Cos[0.6` T] Sin[0.6` T] Sin[1.6` T]^2]
This is something like $10^{-16}\sqrt{10^{32}A}$ and I hoped it would Simplify
to $\sqrt{A}$.
Why isn't the $10^{-16}$ in front of the Sqrt
passed into the Sqrt
so that the powers of 10 disappear?
Additionally, it seems very dangerous since
return 0.
Is there a simple way to force MMA simplify the expression?
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