I need to find the minimum of a function mj21+mj22 where my mj are constrained.
I wrote this expression:
{mj1^2 + mj2^2, mj1 == (M1 + 1)*p1, p1 ∈ Integers,
mj2 == (M2 + 1)*p2, p2 ∈ Integers,
MemberQ[{mj1, mj2} , couplesm]}, {mj1, mj2}]
Indeed, my mj
's must be multiples of Mj + 1
, and they musn't be part of a list given by couplesm
When I evaluate it, I get the following message;
ArgMin::infeas: There are no values of {mj1, mj2} for which the constraints False are satisfied and the objective function mj1^2 + mj2^2 is real valued.
I even added p1
and p2
to the variables of minimization, but it still didn't work.
How can I find the minimum of: mj21+mj22, where mji is a multiple of Mi+1 and where the pairs (mj1,mj2) can't be inside of the list couplesm
I wrote the following and the code still doesn't work.
couplesm = {{0, 0}}
{{0, 0}}
{mj1^2 + mj2^2,
IntegerQ[mj1/(M1 + 1)], IntegerQ[mj2/(M1 + 1)],
mj1 ∈ Integers, mj2 ∈ Integers,
Sequence @@ Table[{mj1, mj2} != couplesm[[i]], {i, 1, Length[couplesm]}]},
{mj1, mj2}]
ArgMin::infeas: There are no values of {mj1,mj2} for which the constraints False are satisfied and the objective function mj1^2+mj2^2 is real valued.
{Indeterminate, Indeterminate}
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