I have this equation and I want to draw the contour plot.
-1.94178*10^24 H Te^0.5 - (
3.2*10^-9 (7.33376*10^27 Te^(7/2) + 4.66533*10^24 Ti^(7/2)))/H +
7.68161*10^40 H ((5.41*10^-15 E^(-148/Ti))/Ti^(3/2) + (
2.00122*10^-10 E^(-((
53.124 (1 - (-0.059357 Ti + 0.0010404 Ti^2 -
9.1653*10^-6 Ti^3)/(
1 + 0.20165 Ti + 0.0027621 Ti^2 + 9.8305*10^-7 Ti^3))^(1/3))/
Ti^(2/3) (1 - (-0.059357 Ti + 0.0010404 Ti^2 -
9.1653*10^-6 Ti^3)/(
1 + 0.20165 Ti + 0.0027621 Ti^2 + 9.8305*10^-7 Ti^3))^(5/6)))
I have used this code to draw the contourplot.
H0 = 0.042;
xyz = {}
Do[s0 = t0 /. {Ti -> ti, Te -> te};
h = H /. FindRoot[s0 == 0, {H, H0}];
xyz = Append[xyz, {ti, te, h}];, {ti, 1, 200}, {te, 1, 40}]
c = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};
f0 = ListContourPlot[xyz, ColorFunction -> "IslandColors",
Contours -> c ,
FrameLabel -> {Style[ "\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(T\), \(i\)]\)(keV)",
FontSize -> 14, FontFamily -> "Times"],
Style["\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(T\), \(e\)]\)(keV)", FontSize -> 14,
FontFamily -> "Times"]},
ContourLabels -> (Text[#3, {#2, #2}, Background -> White] &),
LabelStyle -> {Directive[Black, Bold], (FontSize -> 16),
FontFamily -> "Times"},
the problem is when i draw the plot there are some duplicate lines i don't want them to be in plot. how can i remove them. here is the picture of the plot.
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