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dynamic - Dialog notebook with multiple popup menus

I'm trying to create a user interface in Mathematica; the user will enter specified information, it will be processed, and then data will be inserted into a MySQL database. The pieces work independently but when I put them together, odd things happen.

So for example, this works:

Module[{ss, flist},
flist = {"f1", "f2", "f3"};
ss = First[flist];
PopupMenu[Dynamic[ss], flist],
ChoiceButtons[{"Enter", "Cancel"}, {DialogReturn[{Print["ss: ", ss]}]}]}]];

But the following, which seems to be substantially identical, does not. Specifically, if the user doesn't select something new from the popup menus, the variables never get initialized.

Module[{ss, flist, ci, clist},

flist = {"f1", "f2", "f3"};
clist = {"c1", "c2", "c3"};
ss = First[flist];
ci = First[clist];
PopupMenu[Dynamic[ss], flist],
PopupMenu[Dynamic[ci], clist],
ChoiceButtons[{"Enter", "Cancel"}, {DialogReturn[{Print["ss: ", ss, ". ci: ", ci]}]}]}]];

What am I missing?


I suppose the it is expected and it happens because after prompting a DialogNotebook the evaluation of Module is finished and a Temporary attribute of its variables is kicking in.

Why the first example works the second doesn't? I don't know but how a Temporary attribute works is not documented well.

  • One way to make it work is to use kernel blocking dialog (Input, DialogInput, ChoiceDialog) to not finish Module before DialogReturn[]:

    Module[{ss, flist, ci, clist}, 
    flist = {"f1", "f2", "f3"}; clist = {"c1", "c2", "c3"};

    ss = First[flist]; ci = First[clist];

    PopupMenu[Dynamic[ss], flist],
    PopupMenu[Dynamic[ci], clist],
    {"Enter", "Cancel"},
    {DialogReturn[{Print["ssd: ", ss, ". cid: ", ci]}]}


    Notice the red syntax highlighting over Dynamic[ss] and Dynamic[c1]. It's because it's good habit to not to use Module's variables inside Dynamics inner to them [1]. Here it should not harm but I'd use the second approach anyway:

  • Pass Module's variables to the Dialog and forget about old Module.

    Module[{ss, flist, ci, clist}, 
    flist = {"f1", "f2", "f3"}; clist = {"c1", "c2", "c3"};

    ss = First[flist]; ci = First[clist];

    CreateWindow[ DialogNotebook[ DynamicModule[
    {ssd = ss, cid = ci}
    PopupMenu[Dynamic[ssd], flist],
    PopupMenu[Dynamic[cid], clist],
    {"Enter", "Cancel"},

    {DialogReturn[{Print["ssd: ", ssd, ". cid: ", cid]}]}

[1] "Module variables should never appear inside Dynamics ... internal to that Module." - John Fultz
