How do I control the shape of my arrow heads? LaTeX's TikZ package has a wide variety of predefined arrowhead styles, some of which I'd like to try to match for Mathematica figures I'm importing into a LaTeX document:
But Mathematica's default arrowhead style comes nowhere near any of these. For example,
Graphics[{Thick, Arrow[{{0, 0}, {-50, 0}}]}]
Earlier versions of Mathematica had options for controlling arrowhead shape, but those seem to be gone in 8.0.
How can I get the shape of my Mathematica arrowheads to match the LaTeX TikZ arrowhead styles?
Here is a Manipulate
to design yourself an Arrow
DynamicModule[{top, baseMid, rightBase, outerMidRight, innerMidRight},
top = {0, 0};
baseMid = {1, 0} baseMid;
rightBase = {1, -1} leftBase;
outerMidRight = {1, -1} outerMidLeft;
innerMidRight = {1, -1} innerMidLeft;
h = Graphics[
BSplineCurve[{baseMid, innerMidLeft, leftBase}],
BSplineCurve[{leftBase, outerMidLeft, top}],
BSplineCurve[{top, outerMidRight, rightBase}],
BSplineCurve[{rightBase, innerMidRight, baseMid}]
{{baseMid, {-2, 0}}, Locator},
{{innerMidLeft, {-2, 0.5}}, Locator},
{{leftBase, {-2, 1}}, Locator},
{{outerMidLeft, {-1, 1}}, Locator}
It is easy to add more control points if the need arises.
The arrowhead graphics is put in the variable h
. Note that it contains an Opacity
function for better visibility of the control points. You need to remove that if you want to have a fully saturated arrow head.
Some examples generated with this Manipulate
{ Arrowheads[{{Automatic, 1, h /. Opacity[_] :> Sequence[]}}],
Arrow /@
Table[{{0, 0}, {Sin[t], Cos[t]}}, {t, 0, 2 \[Pi] - 2 \[Pi]/20, 2 \[Pi]/20}]
PlotRangePadding -> 0.2
The code for the arrow heads can be found in h
. Just copy the graphics or the FullForm
to store it for later use.
h /. Opacity[_] :> Sequence[] // FullForm
(* ==>
Graphics[{FilledCurve[{BSplineCurve[{{-0.496, 0.}, {-1., 0.48}, {-2,1}}],
BSplineCurve[{{-2, 1}, {-0.548, 0.44999999999999996}, {0, 0}}],
BSplineCurve[{{0, 0}, {-0.548, -0.44999999999999996}, {-2, -1}}],
BSplineCurve[{{-2, -1}, {-1., -0.48}, {-0.496, 0.}}]}]}
One more control point will cover most common shapes:
DynamicModule[{top, baseMid, outerMidRight, innerMidRight,
innerBaseRight, outerBaseRight},
top = {0, 0};
baseMid = {1, 0} baseMid;
innerBaseRight = {1, -1} innerBaseLeft;
outerBaseRight = {1, -1} outerBaseLeft;
outerMidRight = {1, -1} outerMidLeft;
innerMidRight = {1, -1} innerMidLeft;
h = Graphics[
BSplineCurve[{baseMid, innerMidLeft, innerBaseLeft}],
Line[{innerBaseLeft, outerBaseLeft}],
BSplineCurve[{outerBaseLeft, outerMidLeft, top}],
BSplineCurve[{top, outerMidRight, outerBaseRight}],
Line[{outerBaseRight, innerBaseRight}],
BSplineCurve[{innerBaseRight, innerMidRight, baseMid}]
{{baseMid, {-2, 0}}, Locator},
{{innerMidLeft, {-2, 0.5}}, Locator},
{{innerBaseLeft, {-2, 1}}, Locator},
{{outerBaseLeft, {-2, 1.1}}, Locator},
{{outerMidLeft, {-1, 1}}, Locator}
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