This is a followup to a question I posted earlier today . Suppose you have a piecewise function such as "snap=max[x,0]= x if x>0, 0 otherwise". Then you would think that it must be straightworward to apply a function to this, i.e. to obtain "f[x] if x > 0, f[0] otherwise". My intuition is that I should be able to say "f[snap]", but this doesn't work. The best I can do (after help from AccidentalFourierTransform ) is quite complicated: snap = PiecewiseExpand[Max[0, x]] MapAt[f[#] &, Map[MapAt[f[#] &, 1], snap, {2}], -1] This produces the desired result, but it seems strange that I need to do this. Is there a more straight-forward solution? Answer pwMap1[f_] := MapAt[f, #, {{1, All, 1}, {2}}] &; pwMap1[f]@snap // TeXForm {f(x)x>0f(0)True Also: pwMap2[f_] := Internal`ToPiecewise[#, f /@ #2] & @@ Internal`FromPiecewise[#] &; pwMap2[f]@snap == pwMap1[f]@snap True