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plotting - How to make Joined skip missing data points

I have a set of data taken on sequential days, but some points are missing. I'd like to make a joined date list plot, where the points are not joined across the missing point.The following example illustrates the desired result.

data1 = {
{{2013, 7, 1}, 1},
{{2013, 7, 2}, 5},
{{2013, 7, 3}, 2},
{{2013, 7, 4}, 4},
{{2013, 7, 6}, 2},
{{2013, 7, 7}, 6}

data2 = {
{{2013, 7, 1}, 6},
{{2013, 7, 2}, 2},
{{2013, 7, 3}, 4},
{{2013, 7, 4}, 1},
{{2013, 7, 5}, 7},
{{2013, 7, 6}, 1},
{{2013, 7, 7}, 4}

data1[[1 ;; 4]],
data1[[5 ;; 6]],
data2[[ ;; ]]
}, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Blue, Red}, Joined -> True]

Note that data1 is missing a point on July 5. In practice I'm doing this with multiple data sets, with hundreds of points, so breaking it apart and manually assiging plotstyle like I have here is not viable.

How can I make Joined skip missing points?


You can do this pretty cleanly with TemporalData. Setting the Method to None ensures no interpolation will be performed. The "Part" property resamples the paths when necessary using the Method setting. Since it was set to None it gives missing at days not present in the data.

td = TemporalData[{data1, data2}, Method -> None];
resample = td["Part", All, {Automatic, Automatic, "Day"}]["Paths"]

DateListPlot[resample, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Red}]

enter image description here
