Wirtinger derivatives ( also called Cauchy operators) in complex analysis are widely used tools. They are defined in the case of one dimensional complex plane as follows
Where z=x+iy and x,y are real variables. Apparently Mathematica does not support directly these operators. For instance, as it is pointed in my question; Defining a complex partial differential operator, D[ , ]
don't support a complex argument #2.
What is the best way to generalize D
such that it supports complex variable z = x + I y
, such that it is homogeneous with derivatives of the real part x
and imaginary part y
in a fashion where results of formal computations can be given in terms of x
and y
, or in terms of z
and Conjugate[z]
Update :
Following the suggestion of @xzczd, let me articulate about the concept I have in my head. But the details here are not all requirements for an answer on my question above. It is indeed the converse. As a beginner on Mathematica, any insight can be very helpful for me
Let denote by Dc
The wanted generalization of D
. The first argument of Dc
will be a complex function, expressed in term of a variable z := x + I y
. The second argument will be x
OR y
OR z
OR Conjugate[z]
(in general real or complex). The third argument will contain a rule of the form Coordinates->"Complex"
or "real"
which depends of the wanted output whether in terms of ∂z and ∂ˉz or in terms of ∂x and ∂y. note that ∂z and ∂ˉz are defined by the formulas given above. Let's suppose that "Complex"
is the default value.
Examples: (I denote by === the output, I use some TeX code, hope it is clear)
Basic identities
Dc[z,z] === 1
Dc[Conjugate[z],z] === 0
Dc[Abs[z],Conjugate[z]] === z
Dc[x,z] === 1/2
General identities
Dc[f[z],z] === \partial_z[f[z]]
Dc[f[z],z,Coordinates->"Real"] === 1/2 \partial_x[f[z]] - 1/2 I \partial_y[f[z]]
x Dc[f[z],x] + y Dc[f[z],y] === z\partial_z[f[z]] + \bar{z} \partial_{\bar{z}} [f[z]]
I hope it is more clear now, and the concept makes some sense. Let me know if you need further explanations.
Here is one idea for supporting derivatives with respect to z and z∗. First
, we need to use SetSystemOptions
to avoid differentiating Conjugate
. Something like:
old = "ExcludedFunctions" /.
("DifferentiationOptions" /. SystemOptions["DifferentiationOptions"]);
SetSystemOptions["DifferentiationOptions" ->
"ExcludedFunctions" -> Union@Join[old,{Abs, Conjugate}]
Then, we need to teach D
how to differentiate Conjugate
the way we want. To do this we need to make use of the NonConstants
option of D
so that derivatives of functions with a hidden dependence on Conjugate[z]
with respect to Conjugate[z]
do not automatically evaluate to 0.
Unprotect[Conjugate, Abs];
Conjugate /: D[z, Conjugate[z], NonConstants->{z}] := 0;
Conjugate /: D[Conjugate[f_], w_, NonConstants->{z}] := Conjugate[D[f, Conjugate[w], NonConstants->{z}]];
Abs /: D[Abs[f_], w_, NonConstants->{z}] := 1/(2Abs[f]) D[Conjugate[f]f, w, NonConstants->{z}]
Without the NonConstants->{z}
option, something like D[Abs[z]^2, Conjugate[z]]
will evaluate to 0.
D[Abs[z]^2, Conjugate[z]]
D[Abs[z]^2, Conjugate[z], NonConstants->{z}]
Here are some examples:
D[z, z, NonConstants->{z}]
D[Conjugate[z], z, NonConstants->{z}]
D[Abs[z]^2, Conjugate[z],NonConstants->{z}]
D[(z+Conjugate[z])/2, z, NonConstants->{z}]
It might be convenient to create a function to package up everything up:
ComplexD[expr_, z__] := With[
v = Union @ Cases[{z}, s_Symbol | Conjugate[s_Symbol] | {s_Symbol | Conjugate[s_Symbol], _} :> s],
old = "ExcludedFunctions" /. ("DifferentiationOptions" /. SystemOptions["DifferentiationOptions"])
SetSystemOptions["DifferentiationOptions" -> "ExcludedFunctions" -> Join[old, {Abs, Conjugate}]];
Unprotect[Conjugate, Abs];
Conjugate /: D[w_, Conjugate[w_], NonConstants->v] := 0;
Conjugate /: D[Conjugate[f_], w_, NonConstants->v] := Conjugate[D[f, Conjugate[w], NonConstants->v]];
Abs /: D[Abs[f_], w_, NonConstants->v] := 1/(2Abs[f]) D[Conjugate[f]f, w, NonConstants->v],
D[expr, z, NonConstants->v],
SetSystemOptions["DifferentiationOptions" -> "ExcludedFunctions" -> old];
Conjugate /: D[w_, Conjugate[w_], NonConstants->v] =.;
Conjugate /: D[Conjugate[f_], w_, NonConstants->v] =.;
Abs /: D[Abs[f_], w_, NonConstants->v] =.;
Protect[Conjugate, Abs];
The function ComplexD
will temporarily change the system options and give Conjugate
the desired D behavior. An example:
ComplexD[Conjugate@Sin[z Conjugate[z]^2], z]
ComplexD[Exp[Conjugate[w] z], Conjugate[w]]
2 z Conjugate[z] Cos[z^2 Conjugate[z]]
E^(z Conjugate[w]) z
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